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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Hello I got confused a bit. so my fiancee lives in the same house with her parents and her father will be sponsoring us My fiancee and her father work but her mother does not so Should my fiancee and her father both fill out separate i134 forms? and how should they answer questions 14 and 15 on Form i134? Should her father add her mother as a dependent even if she does not have an income and should he add my fiancee as a dependent on his form even she does have an income but not enough for to be the only sponsor?
  2. Thank you! What do you suggest we submit as supporting documentation? There seem to be many options
  3. My interview will be in Ankara and we want to add a joint sponsor at the consulate stage in K1 so what kind of documents does the joint sponsor need to provide for this, in addition to my fiancée? If there is someone who knows the subject and can share all the necessary documents for this, I would be glad
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