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  1. are you in the us right now? how long did you wait for the approval of vissa?
  2. do you have any idea about how long we would wait till it's approved?
  3. yes we want to marry in June and then apply for a CR-1 visa and i know that we can't apply CR-1 before marriage
  4. We want to apply for the visa as soon as possible because this is a long process and we want to be able together. Do you think we should wait after we marry?
  5. my boyfriend came to Turkey for my birthday and stayed for like 6 days and then came back 2 weeks later and stayed 33 days and he will come again in June probably stay for 45 days, so in total before we marry we will spend 80 days together. Is it bad?
  6. Hello everyone. i am a turkish citizen and my boyfriend is american citizen and we want to marry in Turkey and then apply for a CR-1 visa. Is anybody knows how is process?
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