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Everything posted by existing_dirt777

  1. Thankyou so much for the advice and help, GOD BLESS U!!!!❤️
  2. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar to the website😅
  3. Hello sir/ma'am, I have done what you've said and already shipped it to the embassy, and thankyou so much for the response, this is really helpful for my situation If I may ask, how long does it usually take for them to be able to send my passport with my visa back to me with this kind of case that I'm having?
  4. Hi I'm a student trying to get an immigrant visa to be with my father in the U.S, but I have one problem, my visa was refused because I was missing a single document (cenomar) and the embassy requested me to just mail it alongside my passport when I get it, the problem is, I made a mistake in typing out my name resulting in my middle initial to be R instead of O, and I already submitted it to CEAC without even realizing the error, so I'm just a little worried if I'd face a big trouble if I mail them the original copy of my cenomar, and I just want to hear the thoughts of some adult here that maybe can tell me something about what might happen.
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