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  1. Makes sense....the crummy part is that the Consular is in Montreal and the child lives in Toronto. It'll be a pain to get him there... 🫤
  2. Greetings....new here, hope I don't inadvertently violate any rules or norms. Here's the situation: I am a US citizen. Husband is US legal resident for over 10yrs. (applying for citizenship somewhat soon). Child is 12, was born in Canada, and currently lives with his mom in Canada. Child visits us 2-3x a year and spends most of the summer months. All of us, parents, child, and I get along well. No official court custody agreement, because it wasn't needed. We just toss the kid back and forth 😆Just kidding..lol. Child wanted to stay here after the end of this past summer, but we started talking about it too late (school was about to start in US), so I decided child should go back and we could work it out appropriately. I handled my spouses USCIS process, so I'm familiar with the overall process. I'm just wondering how it differs or if something else applies since it's Canada and involves a minor child. Some of what I've read says that he has to be in the US for us to file most of the "easier" processes. What's the best/easiest approach?
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