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Rich Z

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Everything posted by Rich Z

  1. Yes, I am curious about how to handle the health insurance problem. Any suggestions?
  2. Hmm, from what I see as the definition of a USA resident: [quote] United States resident (A)The term “United States resident” means— (i)any individual who— (I)is a United States citizen or a resident alien and does not have a tax home (as defined in) in a foreign country, or (II)is a nonresident alien and has a tax home (as so defined) in the United States, and (ii)any corporation, trust, or estate which is a United States person (as defined in). [/quote] She is a tax paying resident of Thailand. Besides, her pension is so small that it would be beyond comical for the IRS to have her on their radar. And honestly, I am not going to turn her in to the IRS. LOL!! So are all the snowbirds coming down from Canada to spend the winters in Florida considered USA residents?
  3. For the record, she is staying with me. I support her while she is here. She is relatively low maintenance. We are both retired. I can afford to pay her way while she is in the USA. She has a government pension in Thailand. She owns her own home and a few properties in Thailand. As far as tax purposes are concerned, how can she be considered tax cattle if she has no income in the USA? All the money she earns from her pension in Thailand STAYS in Thailand. And yes, I may alternate visits to Thailand on occasion, but honestly i prefer being in the USA and she would like to see America. I do like Thailand, but I seriously doubt I could be convinced to relocate there. And it is also possible that I may marry her in a year or two and go the K-1 VISA route at that time. But that is a step that I want to be certain is a GOOD step. My wife died in November, 2023 after being together for 46 years. Am I just rebounding from that blow to my life? I am 74 years old, she is 67 and a retired school teacher from central Thailand. We have found each other to be comfortable companions and just want to spend time together. That is acceptably legal, I hope.
  4. I met a woman in Thailand (I am in the USA) and she has a valid B2 visa. I visited her in Thailand for 3 weeks, and we have become close friends. As such, she came back to the USA with me and is staying for 3 months to visit and sight see. She is planning to return to Thailand on the 16th of this month for matters to attend to, and after 2 months at home there, return to the USA to visit me for 6 months. Is there any sort of restriction that would hinder our plans? Thank you.
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