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Everything posted by arg316

  1. I've been refused of my visa application under 221(g). I need to send/upload(to ceac) the original/certified copy of my fiance's divorce. My problem is I'm having problem logging in. I don't know which is the invoice ID that they are looking for. Can you help me to locate where I can find that or what is it's format? Because I already tried a lot of numbers that the stick on the back of my passport,but all didn't work. And I was locked because of many trials. Please help. Thanks
  2. I've been refused of my visa application under 221(g). I need to send/upload(to ceac) the original/certified copy of my fiance's divorce. My problem is I'm having problem logging in. I don't know which is the invoice ID that they are looking for. Can you help me to locate where I can find that or what is it's format? Because I already tried a lot of numbers that the stick on the back of my passport,but all didn't work. And I was locked because of many trials. Please help. Thanks
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