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  1. Hello everyone. I have a quick question for something I am not clear on. Please see the below part of the I-130 (digital version): So, from what I understand, I should type my wife's (the beneficiary) name as address in a document in her native language (which is Japanese), and then save it as a PDF. What I don't understand is the part about the translation. Since the name and address are in Japanese (hiragana and kanji), that would mean I need to also upload a Roman translated version of her name and address, then also upload a certificate of proper translation? I know other documents, like birth certificate need the translation and certificate, but does this? it seems to imply it in the file requirements section. Can someone give some clear clarification on this? Edit: Just for further clarification, is it ok to put in roman "Name:" and "Address:" followed by the Japanese, or should I have the whole document be only 100% Japanese? Example: Name: ボブ スミス Address: 〒006-0815 北海道札幌市手稲区前田5条11丁目7-10 Thank you!
  2. Sorry for double post (I can't delete or edit the old one to make it "blank"). I actually made some changes based on a different post from like 9 years ago I found here. They had the old form, but the person was also from Japan, having a similar issues with the addresses not fitting in the PDF, and the directions being a bit unclear. What do you think about this formatting, good enough? Page 1: Page 2: Page 3: Page 4/5 are blank (since I am preparing I-130, and didn't hire a interpreter or a preparer). Pager 6: Sorry for all the questions @pushbrk, but I appreciate the help with this!🙏
  3. So in terms of formatting, this is what i came up with based on your help. Do you think this is acceptable considering none of the "street addresses" can be completed in the normal boxes (all put into part 6)? Page1: Page 2: page 3: Page 4 and 5 (blank since I have no interpreter or preparer): Page 6 (Basically all the info for page 1-2 since addresses won't fit):
  4. Just to clarify, you mean "yes" the date is only needed for if I use normal paper? When I use adobe, it auto fills the name, but i still don't see any date listed anywhere on the official page 6 of the PDF. I am going to need about 3 pages of "extra information" since none of the addresses fit on their default form. so page 1,2,3 are all basically going to need to go on page 6 as extra information. Is there a way in Adobe to duplicate the last page so I can have one complete PDF i can then save an print, it appears they security locked it with java code or something (or its locked behind subscription for "pro" when i use adobe? I have never used it before, I have been using LibreOffice (open source and free) for over 15 years.
  5. Ok, One more question about page 7. It says I can copy this page (or use plain white paper) and to write your name and then "date" each additional page. Is that only if you use a plain white page? On page 7 I don't see any area to fill in a date.
  6. So what do you reccomend I do considering if I use Adobe, I can't fit any of the work/house adresses in the allotted space on the forms since it uses like large font 14 by default? (Even when abbreviated) I just need to have an entire page of "additional information" (page 7) dedicated to doing the addresses for like 6 separate parts on this 1-39a form? Or am I ok to just like fill in the whole rest of the I-130a in Adobe, then switch to libreoffice to input only the addresses in a smaller font, and then print sighn, and scan?
  7. Copy. Just leave em' blank. I can actually fill in the boxes with anything I want, since I am useing libreofice, which removes the java script protection. I needed to use it because japanese house addresses are a bit long, so I used font size 10 when filling in the street address for my wife's work and living history so it would fit. -do you think this is fine? There are no instructions in the manual about font size if completing digitally. _________________ Any advice on my other two questions? Since I am the husband (petitioner) and I am also completing I-130 myself (we currently have hired no one to translate it complete the firms for us), what do I do on part 3/4? - do I count as preparer and "translator", or can I leave it blank since I am completing i-130 and i-130a with my wife togeather anyway? -- I am considering leaving both blank, with a "see part 7" and just making a note to let them know we hired no one, but I helped for form i-130a. We currently live together overseas, and we are doing all forms togeather. All discussion's are in English, with some translation being used if need be.
  8. Copy. Thank you. I will write that, and then fill in n/a on the rest of the lines (the instructions pdf for 130/130a says never leave a line blank, fill in n/a or something else). Any advice on question 2/3?
  9. Copy on the context of "you/your", thanks. So on part 3, I should just copy her most recent job from part 2 (since all her jobs in part two are in Japan)?
  10. Hello Everyone. I am new to the forums, so please excuse any mistakes I make here, still learning my way around. I recently got married to my wife (A Japanese citizen). We both currently live in Japan together, as I also work in Japan (for now). I am trying to start the CR-1 Application process, and am currently filling out I-130 and I-130A. I am a bit confused on the I-130A form. Here are my questions: 1) On Part 3 of the form, it talks about "Information about your employment outside the United States" and that I should "Provide your (my wife's?) last occupation outside the United States if not shown above. If you never worked outside the United States, provide this information in the space provided in part 7. - So, what am i supposed to put here, just here most recent job from Part 2 (Information about your employment)? Since she never lived in the USA, ALL her work would be considered "outside" the USA no? 2) On part 4 "spouse beneficiary's statement, contact information, certification, and signature", it asks about selecting one of the boxes that is most applicable. My wife's English skills are not bad, she can hold a decent conversation, but in terms of these forms "government English" structure, she has a hard time understanding some parts. She and I have sat to complete the form together, with me explaining some of the more complicated directions, and her sometimes using a dictionary to look up complicated terminology that is not easily explained by me. - Because we did this, Should I select Box 1a (she now understands the forms English) and box 2 (that i helped her complete the form)? ----- I was also considering putting Box 1a only, and then adding a note in part 7 about that i helped her with some of the grammar, and that she used some translation, but that the whole process was in English (no interpreter (part 5)). Thoughts? - My side question on that is Part 6 (which relates to box 2 of Part 4) stats that i need to provide information of the preparer used if "he or she is different from the preparer used to complete form I-130", which means i don't need to do part 6 (i assume), so i don't need to do Part 4 box 2? 3) regarding part 7, it says that if i need more, i can copy more pages of that, or use a separate sheet of paper. But then it gives instructions about writing page number, part number and item number, and then SIGN and DATE each sheet. - If i photocopy another copy of page 6 (Part 7 page), what do they mean about "signing and date" the page? I don't see any area that is labeled signature or date, there is only the name boxes, and the A-number box. Is my wife just to supposed to put her signature, and write the date in pen, somewhere in the white space at the top of the page? Thanks everyone!
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