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Everything posted by kaythepix

  1. Getting the transcripts is difficult since my American phone number is no longer used and everytime I tried signing into IRS it would only offer to send a pw to my old number. I have call after I give birth to order my transcripts the end of this month or something But I just got the DQ email yesterday so I have time to prep
  2. I thought so but specifically listed my name. My joint sponsor's stuff was already all uploaded after the first round of corrections
  3. A few weeks ago I posted about the issue of them demanding my W-2/1099/Schedule form. W-2 was not available as I worked abroad, but I did have a 1099 form as a twitch streamer on the side, and my schedule form was included in my whole tax return I uploaded. I also then submitted documentation and explanation about the circumstances. It was accepted, but then I was harassed about proof of having an American permanent address for two weeks. Which was listed on my tax return, 1099, my DL, and all was rejected. But, finally, today they accepted my bank statement with my address for domicile. But guess what? I got another review note yet again asking for my 1099 and Schedule form. -_-. I already explained I sent all of my 1099 for 2023. Which was just one. And explained where my schedule form was (scroll down a couple pages on the tax return, it's right there due to me using a service). This seems like a merry-go-round and is there anyone above the inquiry line we can go to? I keep asking why this happens to them as well and all I get is "we are reviewing" As per this forum rules I really want to avoid the snark I wanna say, but this makes no sense.
  4. I legit am unsure of who is behind their own workers/computers. I feel like they don't check through what is uploaded. I finally figured out the household member bit regarding their initial demand of putting my spouse as one (when I did for the 864). They were demanding he basically fill out his own 864 (some intending immigrants can, but he isn't eligible to). When I inquired about it, they outright ignored my question and went on to say "upload a W-2, 1099, and Schedule form or we cannot proceed". I worked abroad. I don't have a W-2. I have the English translated equivalent with an explanation and it was accepted. I uploaded my 1099. It was accepted. My schedule form was one of the first rounds of submitted documents and was accepted. All they are asking for, more or less, is there. Before they sent this response. Also for my joint sponsor his California license was enough for domicile but mine wasn't for my own? Huh? It feels like I'm going in circles and the people responding in inquiries are just AI Bots or something.
  5. No, I double checked the paperwork I only counted him on the part I needed to, and didn't count him on the preceding pages that came later. I didn't put 1 for spouse to count him twice. I actually handwrote and scanned the file, so I'm wondering if that's the problem
  6. So right before New Year I posted that my documents were accepted but some fixes were requested. I did those by 5:00 PM PST Dec 31st, but I sent an inquiry cause one request didn't make sense. I was asked to put my spouse, the intending immigrant under my household. Didn't specify where. But reviewing my 864 form, I saw that I have done so, from what I understood. So I sent an inquiry asking what else could have been referred to (we are both abroad so he wasnt eligible to be under my taxes filed at this time). I got a response today. "Your documents are under review. We will let you know if you need to correct something". ....that's why I contacted you, NVC, you told me to correct something and I'm trying to figure out how if it it seems I did follow directions. Could I be missing something? Everything else was easy to take care of. I don't want to be denied over this.
  7. So I filed the fixes but the one where it said to put my husband (beneficiary) under my household in my own 864? And I did... And police cert envelope was scanned and uploaded and yet it was said it wasn't needed yet? But I wasn't considered finished filing until I uploaded the envelope? That made me lost
  8. Just got notice that our submitted documents were accepted by CEAC. But in the notes/dms it added small corrections? However does accepted mean DQ? Cause I couldn't reupload to fix what it asked. I imagine it will take a few weeks to hear for more too but what a nice way to end the year if this means a DQ
  9. Hey guys, sorry to be back with another round of silly questions: We just uploaded everything Friday, JST timezone, so waiting to see if we get DQ'd. First question is not the title: if by chance my Joint Sponsor isn't considered enough, we would get rejected before the DQ for not having "sufficient paperwork" right? Or do they wait until the interview? If they wait, would I just ask a second person to be a joint sponsor and bring their paperwork instead? And for the title question, if my Joint Sponsor is enough, is it better to still bring 2024 W-2s? We uploaded it now, but due to birth and such we will have to schedule stuff for end of March which is close to Tax-filing time. Better to be prepped for that?
  10. Honestly it would be faster to go back to Japan and get it done there. In Kanagawa prefecture the police certificate takes a week. Husband just picked up his on Friday and that was our last step to upload so now we are waiting for DQ If you were trying to adjust while on ESTA/ a visit, that would cause some raised eyebrows anyways which would be a risk. Especially bringing it for a 90-day visa would probably set off alarm bells
  11. Hey all! I'm an American and my husband is the beneficiary in Japan and we are about to have our second child. The kids got their citizenship taken care of quickly so they dont need an application process, but because I am in Japan, and was working part time due to maternity/younguns, we needed a joint sponsor. He makes enough for my husband and for one child, I believe, per the federal poverty level, but when we get an interview number two will be born. Since my kids aren't needing to immigrate as they are eligible or already have their passport, would they still need to be under the joint sponsor's consideration?
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