Interview was very good, the guy was pretty nice, There was no small talk but it was nice. It starts with the reading test and then writing, extremely easy if you speak basic English, then they asked me the civic questions. After that he said he was gonna go through the application with me, asked me some questions about my travel history (like if I travel for work or leisure) then he asked if I had back taxes, I said no and he asked if I brought my tax return. I didn't bring my taxes so I said no and he said it was fine, but maybe bring your taxes if you have it. After that, there were a few minutes of silence and I was just waiting, then he said I was approved. The whole interview took like 10 minutes max. Also when you do the interview they take your passport, driver's license, and green card & the guy forgot to give it back to me after the interview and I forgot too so I had to come back to get it and it was a whole thing to get back into the building haha so make sure you take all your stuff after the interview!!! LOL
good luck with your interview!!