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Everything posted by RobertHopkins

  1. Okay got it, so basically an official letter will come in the mail. As for biometrics I also see in the portal that my biometrics is waived and they are using my previous on file.
  2. Okay got it. I also received the 48 month extension in my portal. Is this the official copy or will I be getting one in the mail as well? and if I don’t have the letter in the mail yet can I still travel without the extension letter as my CR1 Card does not expire till May?
  3. Hi everyone, I submitted my I-751 last week and logged into my USCIE account today and there’s a section called “my uploads” and it has a few of the things I submitted in my packet I-751. My question is: why did they only scan a few random documents I sent from my packet and why is it under my uploads when I never uploaded anything? thanks
  4. Hello I am filling out my i751 and have left boxes blank that don’t pertain to me. Do I leave them blank or write N/A
  5. Yes, that’s right. That’s why I plan on including the transcript and the full return prepared by my accountant. I would hope the officer can understand in 2022 my wife was not yet a green card holder.
  6. Nope, only on the e-file form it shows her name and says Non resident alien in the SSN section. The official IRS transcript only says my name and says married filing separate. Spouse name and spouse SSN is blank.
  7. The tax transcript for 2022 only has my name though because for my wife, we listed her as NRA. Should I provide the full return for that year that shows her name? Is that what you submitted? also for 2024 we’ve e filed but no IRA transcript yet.
  8. Okay because I thought they needed proof from marriage to present.
  9. In 2022 my wife was not a yet a US resident/did not have her green card. Therefore, I filed as married, but separate. my questions are 1. do we still submit the 2022 return married but separate for her I-751 that I filed? 2. Does she need to submit hers from 2022 from her home country? thank you!
  10. Okay thanks for everyone’s input. I have all my documents and am ready to file. Even if I file this week I doubt the IRS transcript will be available within a week.
  11. I always wondered about unsolicited Evidence. Is there any harm in putting it later?
  12. Hello! My wife and I are applying for her ROC in about a week and were wondering about tax returns. At the moment we have 2022 married filing separately as she was not a resident at the time therefore her name is not on the IRS website transcript either but I do have form 1040 our accountant filled where it says "Married filing separately" and has her name and next to it says nonresident alien For 2023 we have "Married filing jointly" and her name is also on the IRS website transcript Should we wait to send in our I-751 till we file for 2024. We are still waiting on a few documents and can probably file sometime next week. Our 90 day window open on Feb 12. We probably won't be able to include the IRS transcript because I doubt it's ready that quickly but we can at least include full tax return prepared by our accountant Thank you!
  13. I realize my home insurance policy only has my wife’s name from a few months ago as I had bought the house before we were married, and all of the information was coming from the time I set up my mortgage and was on auto renewal so until recently only my name was on it. should I still include the home insurance policy that has both of our names even though technically her name has been on for a few months?
  14. Ah well can’t do anything about it now. We’re filing in 2 weeks. I just added my wife to chase because I’ve had that account for over 10 years
  15. Unfortunately chase bank does not separate authorized user charges separately on the statement. Only shows primary user. That’s why I was thinking of photocopying the cards.
  16. Utility bills, health insurance, car insurance and joint bank accounts are all from the around the date when my wife got her Cr1 and entered US. Credit cards are from a few months ago. Statement only shows my name so was thinking of scanning the cards to show same credit card number. Joint account pays for mortgage every month in which we both contribute a certain amount every month.
  17. As for evidence list is this a good list?
  18. Hi everyone! Want to ask about preparing the packet. 1. Do I need a table of contents page? 2. I see some people are writing a cover letter is this necessary? 3. Planning on sending at least 20 to 30 photos. Let me know if that’s a lot. Do I need to include photos from the wedding or everything after the wedding up till present? Apart from that, this is what I am including: Bank statements since Aug 23 because this is when she got her first job in the US. This also shows mortgage payments going out every month from transfers from our individual accounts. Drivers Licenses with same address Home owner insurance with both names Car insurance with both names Shared Health insurance dental vision (some are from my employer, some from her employers) Utility bill with both names (GAS/Electric) Joint credit card with both names (the statement only shows my name so planning on sending a photocopy of the cards with same number) 1 Joint Tax return and one married filing separately because first one was when she not yet a green card holder Beneficiary documents from both of us where we have listed each other as beneficiaries on retirement accounts Pictures of bdays, family visits to in-laws where we had a belated anniversary party with both of our families, her family at our house, My family at her house in her country, Christmas pics with extended family etc. Flights together/Trips (will also have pics from some of these) EZPass account Triple AAA membership The check we are sending with the packet for payment is coming from our joint account with both of our names I feel like we are at a point where we are stressing and overthinking this, but we’ve had such a bad experience, even getting the CR1. They had sent us a card with a typo and we had to go through the whole I-90 process and finally got the correct card but now it’s time to file this sigh
  19. Actually yes you are right it was married separately because she was a non resident. Should I still include that? Unfortunately, we are filing before 2024 tax return so won’t be able to include this past year’s.
  20. Hello! For our 2022 joint tax return, my wife’s name does not appear on the IRS websites tax return transcript as she was a non-resident at the time however, I do have the full filing return my accountant did in which he included her name and labeled as “non resident alien” married filing jointly. She does appear on the 2023 IRS tax receipt because by then she has her CR1 card and a social security number. Will this be an issue? I was planning on including the tax return page the accountant created for 2022 and for 2023 have his and the IRS transcript together. Just wasn’t sure if it would be wierd to have transcript for one year and not for the other.
  21. Ah wish there was more communication! Oh well. If anything hopefully this way my biometrics will be waived as they did mine during the i90 14 months ago and have them on file.
  22. Ahh okay. Was there any issues when you applied for ROC? I was thinking of including the I-9 receipt with my 751 but don’t want to add confusion. I did call USCIS and spoke to an agent and they said they see the 2 year card on their end and see that I applied for the I-90 to get the 10 year card corrected and destroyed. But I guess they don’t update customs and border patrol systems.
  23. Thanks! I tend to stress haha. Especially because my process hasn’t been smooth at all. They sent me a 10 year card instead of a 2 and then I to do the whole i90 and finally got the correct card 😭. Every time I travel back to US the border agent always asks where is my 10 year because that’s what they see in their system. Hoping this doesn’t cause any issue with my removal of conditions ugh
  24. That sounds good. I have photos of us interacting with each others families and friends at various occasions. Birthdays, weddings, holidays etc. I am including all of our shared insurances, beneficiary documents joint bank statements, tax returns. We have one joint credit card, but the statement only shows the primary holder which is me. But the physical cards have the same number with our individual names. Should we send a photo of our 2 cards? Also, the house was bought my spouse before I officially moved so I’m only on the home insurance not the actual mortgage.
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