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    Boston MA
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    Burkina Faso

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  1. Just to let you all know that I have hired a lawyer who will take care of things - My plan is to get the ban removed so that I can visit US if and when I want to. My long term plan is spend time with my children and travel all across the globe, swim lakes, climb mountains and cross deserts. US is a great country and I really enjoyed the time I spent there as I lived it to the full but all the world is full of unique places, people, languages, cultures and landscapes. my thoughts to you all is to give your very best wherever you are and not get yourself distracted by things that do not concern you. I wish you all the best in your journey. Adious amigos and amigas !
  2. @discoverusa I reported it to the UK immigration and they were very upset that I did not invite them to the wedding. @SteveInBostonI130 I don’t think you are reading my posts carefully. I DO NOT WANT TO IMMIGRATE TO US. I work for one of largest tech companies in a senior position and other than getting paid more than I need, I get a chance to self actualise myself. All I want is to be able to visit my wife when she is in distress and help her as much as I can. @SalishSea History is a good predictor for people who are static and do not improve. I exert myself everyday to improve morally, cognitively and spiritually. I was very young when I went to the US and made mistakes but I think I paid a price much higher than my follies. At this point in my life and career, US cannot give me anything other than a chance to help someone whom I love and care for. Guys thanks for your replies - Even though many of these were not relevant to the immigration issue I appreciate your desire to help a complete stranger.
  3. She needed emotional and monetary support. I would like to visit her but I know that sometimes it is easier to get an immigrant visa than a non-immigrant one especially in my case when there is a deportation involved. Also I am still legally married to her so a non-immigrant visa makes no sense - does it? Sorry I know its not a straightforward case and I should get advice from a professional lawyer but I wanted to get myself informed as much as possible first.
  4. Yes - in fact my Indian wife became my dependent and got her ILR as my dependent. The divorce happened in the UK and My ex (Indian) wife and 2 children still live in the UK.
  5. Thanks for your replies. In the UK you can get ILR (permanent residence) after being on a work visa for 5 years. That is how we got ours. Once deported in 2005 we stayed in touch for a couple of years but never met and it just faded away. I went to the US on student visa but did not join the university. Unfortunately got caught working and the lawyer got my money and did a great job of getting me deported with a 10 years ban.
  6. Yes you are right - It is just that she contacted me a couple of months ago with the news that she might have cancer and was going through tests which have now confirmed it. I am divorced with my Indian wife and am single so under no moral dilemma to go see her and am evaluating if it would be possible and the best way to go about it. I am very well settled in the UK with a great career so certainly not someone to use marriage to get US immigration.
  7. @Boiler My Indian wife got a scholarship to study in the UK and I got a job and later got citizenship. I was under the impression that My American wife had gone through the divorce proceedings as we had discussed this when we gave up on getting me back to the US and she could not move back with me. Later I found out that she had not filed papers and it never materialised. So on paper I was in a bigamous relationship. I well over the ban time and am legally married to her but my question is whether that bigamous period in the past would hinder my immigrant / non-immigrant visa application to the USA now? I also have children from my second marriage.
  8. Hi all, I would be really grateful if someone can help me with this issue. I went to us legally about 20 years ago but failed to fulfil the requirements of my visa. I got married to a US citizen but was deported and banned for 10 years. I went back to my home country and after few years of my wife trying to get me back to USA, we gave up. My wife initially wanted to get a divorce but then for some reason she did not follow through so we stayed married. I on the other hand got married in my home country (India) and subsequently moved to UK and had kids. My Indian wife and I got divorced few years ago and am single now. My USA citizen wife contacted me out of the blue and told me she had cancer and was undergoing treatment. Now my question is if I can apply for a non-immigrant visa to go see her at least or in the best case scenario get an immigrant visa based on our valid marriage. We had applied for I-601 when I was in the US but do not know what happened to it. I am looking forward to your replies which will be much appreciated.
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