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  1. So if we want to file, it would be with different addresses ?
  2. @appleblossom I am an F1 student. Just graduated and Have a work auth It would work in London. But in my state, I will have to drive almost 4h back and forth every day
  3. @OldUser Yes we do have combined finances. is adding her to a the new place will help? I honestly don't know what to do.
  4. I haven't filed yet. You mean commute every day for 4h ?
  5. it's a 1h40 min. She can't move with me because she works there. it's a marriage base green card
  6. Hi everyone, My wife and I got married in April and at that time I was still going to school. I move with her in the small town where she works. I was not able to find a job there and then got a job offer in the big city. For now I stay at my friend's house on weekday and come back on weekend. I have to get an apartment in January and I don't know if that would be a red flag for the process.
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