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Everything posted by Susan278

  1. I LOVE the detail you have posted here. Thanks. Very helpful. My appointment is 8am in a couple of weeks so I'm assuming I should rock up around 6.30 or 7am as I would rather wait outside the Embassy than be late and it sounds like people queue really early
  2. I was DQ Nov 12th and received my invitation letter on Nov 28th. I think it varies a bit according to when you get DQ as they only send out the invitation letters once a month apparently (usually a Thursday towards the end of the month)
  3. The receptionist I spoke to yesterday deflected me saying I could discuss with the vaccination nurse when I see them
  4. Thanks for this. It is super helpful. I have just made my appointment for 21st January. I was super lucky and managed to get the 8.50am appointment, which I am hoping means that there won't be so much sitting around as it appears to be the first appointment of the day (plus they only open at 8.40am). I have my vaccination details together and the only one it appears that I need (other than covid and flu jabs) is the MMR, which I am adamant that I had when I lived in New Zealand as a child but I have no documentary evidence other than the scar on my arm. Does anyone happen to know if this is one they can do antibody check for as I would rather not have that if I don't need to. Thanks in advance
  5. @appleblossom Hi I am new to the group. I got my DQ on 12th November (last week). How do you access the dates that they are processing currently? I am just wondering how long I should expect to wait for my IL
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