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Everything posted by pbroz1

  1. Here's a new one: the embassy can't find my fiance's passport and one of her sons' visa is not even in her application any longer. The embassy requested that her four-year-old make his formal interview for his K-1 visa application. Not his K-2, but his K-1. A four-year-old. My attorney suggested that I contact my congressman, so that's my next step. I really believe that someone from the embassy sold these on the black market. I did, however, find out that they issue each visa separately. I was holding out hope that perhaps my fiance's visa was being held back because they were working on the children's, and once that was done, they would be issued together. No! each one is issued individually, and supposedly within 10 days of the interview, or 10 days of receipt of the requested information.
  2. Still nothing again today. I've emailed the embassy, the usviascheduling.com site. My lawyer has emailed them to no avail. I even called my congressman because this is #######. Guess what? The embassy isn't replying to his email either. No change in status on CEAC either. It's just frustrating. My fiance says that there she can't call a landline from her cell phone, so she can't call the embassy even though it's a local number. She could speak to them in Tagalog and probably get an answer quicker, but she says her phone plan is only wi-fi enabled to cut the cost. They do "load" and not minutes, and she said she would never be able to afford to buy enough load to call. If she went back to the embassy to check on her application, she probably couldn't get back inside since she doesn't have an appointment. Plus, from her house to the embassy is about a 4-hour jeepy experience one way. When she went to her interview, it took her a week to get over how long it took her to get there. I don't want her to go back there just to be denied entry. Because she is bringing her two sons with her, which is what I want too, there are 3 applications. The CEAC website lists her 6-year-old first, then hers, then her 4 year-old. If that means that the case "01" is her son's, then that's the visa that has been issued, and the note on her 4-year-old says he needs to schedule an interview. Even though their interview was October 15th. So it's a total mess. No one on any forum or Google search can even answer if the visas are issued together or separately. Since case "01" has shown issued status since Oct 22nd, it should be able to be picked up at the LBC outlet store, but we can't get a tracking number to be able to claim it. Plus, what about the other two? Then, there's the CFO, which you can't even sign up for until you get the visa number. It's no wonder people don't want to do it the legal way when it's this complicated, long, cumbersome, and confusing.
  3. Still nothing from the embassy. Two days now. They never respond. My attorney can't get a reply either. She emailed them last Friday, before Pepito hit Luzon. Nothing!
  4. Good luck. Snow must be a fascination. That's all I hear about too. 😆
  5. I wouldn't get too excited. I've seen the date change on the apps I'm tracking multiple times and still nothing changes. By chance, was your fiance going to Iowa? My fiance said she talked to someone who was going to Iowa and wished she got her name and phone number. It was only after she got back to her house that she thought about it.
  6. Thanks
  7. I tried again. I did try this previously but never got a reply. Cross your fingers. We were hoping to spend Thanksgiving together and now Christmas seems like it's not going to happen.
  8. Does anyone know if the US embassy in Manila waits to create a tracking number and send the K-1 to LBC for delivery until the K-2s that are attached to her K-1 are issued? My fiance had her interview on October 15. That's over a month ago. The CEAC website says her visa is in "issued" status. Her oldest son is in "approved" status, and her younger son is in "ready" status. The two are 6 and 4, respectively, so I don't know why they are being held up. The attorney I used to help me get everything filed tells me that they will deliver the K-1 separately than the K-2s. and the K-2s may be delivered at different times too. Of course, there's no answers if you call the US embassy domestic line, or use the email form on usvisascheduling.com. All you get back is a copy and paste reply about how to check your status. It's because I checked my status that I have the question. My attorney doesn't have answers, I can't get answers from the embassy. I even called LBC to see if they could find her tracking number based on her name. The embassy doesn't give name information to LBC so they couldn't look it up by her name. It would really help our anxiety level if we knew if the embassy releases all the visas at the same time, or if it's done individually. And if it's done individually, why the "issued" status date is 10/22 and we're still waiting for a tracking number. Any enlightenment would be helpful.
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