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Everything posted by BoWrite

  1. I changed my first and middle name in 2018 for personal reasons. I decided to use my passport as proof of US citizenship, since it has my updated name, and I never updated my birth certificate. I included my old name in the "other names used" section of my I-129F form, and have both the petition and the court order for my legal name change. Do I need to submit both the "petition for legal name change" along with the "court order for legal name change"? Or is just the second one fine? It seems like an obvious question, that only the court order would be fine, but I recall bringing both the petition and the court order to the DMV and other government agencies. I can't recall whether both were actually necessary. If possible, I don't want to include the petition as it has a blank line for "attorney's name" (I didnt have to appear in court), and a circle next to it as if there's missing information. Just hoping this is a silly question and the court order alone will be fine. Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks for your detailed answer, appreciate the guidance! Quick follow up question considering the online meeting-- my partner and I initially met through social media, but have been keeping up with each other on discord since then. We don't plan to use our call logs/chat logs as primary evidence, but I similarly figure I'll have to explain a little bit beyond the norm regarding sending them any discord logs (ie, "discord is a communication platform primarily used for gaming with friends," or something similar). How did you go about explaining meeting via xbox gaming? Or was that a little different, since you didn't exactly include evidence of you guys voice chatting via xbox live? We've only been on two trips to see each other, since we have some cultural/financial restraints regarding trips for visiting. We'll use all the best pics we have from those two meetings, but I wanted to include some padding via call logs from discord. Just was wondering if you (or anyone else reading, I suppose!) had any extra tips for that kind of thing? Thanks again 😁
  3. @Edward and Jaycel Thank you so much for all the detailed info! I really appreciate it, especially the link to consulate reviews for Malaysia. Super duper helpful, and makes me feel more secure in including a lot of evidence despite some other posts I've seen acting like it's a big waste of time. I especially appreciate the info coming from a couple with a beneficiary in the Philippines, as I imagine the level of scrutiny for a Filipino would be similar to the scrutiny for a Malaysian 😅 Thanks so much again! @Rachel n Tyler@Sam Burns@Sarge2155 Thank you guys for the tips 😄 It was nice to imagine for a little bit that I might not have to throw a crazy amount of evidence at uscis, but in reality we'll have to do so at some point either way, so may as well hit the ground running! I appreciate knowing everyone sends different amounts but still plenty of viable evidence. If anything, I now feel much more secure in my initial plan to send them a little bit overkill, haha. Thank you all!!
  4. Ok, so I know this question has been asked several times but I always see a myriad of answers. A lot of answers even include that it depends on what country you're coming from, and if it's a high-fraud country. My beneficiary is from Malaysia, so the embassy in KL. I haven't really heard anyone talking about it, and I don't know if they're known for "scams" or are a notoriously picky embassy or anything like that. In every list and guide I've looked at for the longest time (including the guides on VJ), I've seen instructions for proof of relationship and how much to put/what to put/etc. But considering the i-129F doesn't ask for any, and even only asks for proof of the one trip, should we put any at all? In short: Should my fiance and I include proof of relationship in our i-129F beyond the proof of meeting within the last two years? I mostly see people recommending it nowadays in order to front load their application and make the consulate interview easier. Is this accurate, or would we just be slowing down the initial review process even more? Also, related question: what does the i-129F mean in part 2, question 54 by "describe the circumstances under which you met"? Do they mean how we met in the first place, or do they mean a short description of how we met in person for the first time? How much (and in what part; cover letter, letter of intent, part 54) do we need to explain about our relationship's timeline/story overall? We want to be concise, but not so much so that we get an RFE of course. Thanks so much in advance for y'all's help!!
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