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Everything posted by BThomas28

  1. Thanks for the replies- I did more searching online and understand that it’s not allowed to wait in the US for the priority date to become current unless I somehow held some other type of visa or status to legally maintain my physical presence. Thanks for all the replies and information.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I’m new to how this works. Can you explain why the wait time causes me to not be eligible?
  3. Hi- I’ve been in California for 4 months now visiting my parents. I’m a Canadian citizen and entered the US with the intent of just visiting but I’ve decided now that I would like to stay here permanently if legally possible. I’ve read that even though I wasn’t issued a B visa that I’m technically in B status? I’m over 21 and my parents are naturalized US citizens . Is it possible to adjust from this B status to a permanent resident application and remain here?
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