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Everything posted by LowSerotonin

  1. Yeah, we are really reading the instructions thoroughly this time. We did read the instructions the last time as well, but we were so stressed that we may have made some mistakes we didn't know about. But this time, we are going through it step by step. Thank you guys all for the advice and support.
  2. Thank you very much for the clarification. We will mark it as No and proceed with it!
  3. If I may ask one more question, I was wondering if you could clarify this part you said "indicate OPTION that you are not submitting 3 years". If we are not submitting 3 years' worth, should we answer Part 6 Question 15 as No? Or do we answer Yes and just type N/A for the years we are not providing evidence for below?
  4. Thanks for the clarification! You guys have been super helpful I don't even know what to say. Truly, thank you so much, and I hope you guys all have a beautiful and happy new year!
  5. Thank you so much kind sir! We will definitely follow this advice in our new form! I just had a quick clarification regarding the household size; I am a bit confused on this part. You said, "by not entering a 1 as the number of people being sponsored." I understand entering 0 in the spouse, but shouldn't she write down 1 in the sponsoring section?
  6. This was such a detailed and helpful comment. I cannot thank you enough for just how much this gave me and my wife clarity and support. Thank you so much!!
  7. I am adjusting from K1 visa. My wife had only been working for 2 years since she graduated from college not long ago. We provided the evidence for the years she worked, but since she didn't have any income for the third year, we wrote N/A. We thought that since she was a student and just recently started working just providing the evidence for the 2 years was enough. I'm now realizing that was our mistake. What can we do in our new submission to rectify that mistake? If we explain further, she was a student and was not able to work, would that be enough to not have any 3rd-year income? Or do we need to find a joint sponsor? Also, thank you so much for reading and responding to my post. I really appreciate all of you guy's help ;u;
  8. It was our understanding that we only had to provide the most recent W-2 and tax return. We did not know that we had to show that we had met the 125% threshold for three years. Unfortunately, my wife has only been working for 2 years and I don't think we have evidence to show 3 years... does that mean we have to find a joint sponsor? If so, in their form, should the household size include the 2 of us?
  9. Yes. We submitted a copy of her passport. We are well above the 125% threshold.
  10. Hi everyone, I recently received an RFE regarding the form I-864 we submitted. However, I am not sure where we went wrong. 1. We definitely meet the 125% poverty guideline, and it's shown in the evidence we submitted. 2. We submitted all the evidence regarding the Tax Return form, bank statements, and W-2. Is our best course just to re-submit things again? Thank you for reading this post.
  11. Hi everyone. Unfortunately, I received an RFE for my I485 form, and they are requesting that we re-submit the I-864 form. It's frustrating because they don't tell you specifically which part of the form was the problem. Anyway, I had a question about the household size for the form I-864. We currently live with my wife's parents, but we don't support them financially. Should we put the household number as 2 since we don't support the parents? Or, since we live with them, do we put the number as 4? And if so, do the parents have to submit the form as well? Thank you so much for reading my post.
  12. So, my situation is that I originally created an online USCIS account without a USCIS account number before all the paperwork with my main email and phone number associated with me. I recently filed a form I485 and received an account number alongside my receipt. In the form it instructed me to create an account and add my case file to it. However, since I already have an account, I was wondering 1. If there is any way to add the Account Number to my already existing account. 2. If that's not possible, can I just only add the case number and not worry about the account number at all? 3. Or is it my best course just to make a new account with a different email, even though it's not the main email I provided for the I485 paperwork? Also I did not know about the timeline thing. I will update that thank you.
  13. Hi everyone, I made my USCIS account when I didn't have a USCIS Online Account Number because I thought it was important to have an account. I recently received my receipt for I485 and a USCIS Online Account Number, but I'm unsure whether I need to create a new account with the given number or if I can keep my original account. The original account uses the email that I provided to USCIS for my paperwork. I know you can't have multiple accounts with the same email, so that's where I'm a bit confused. 1. Is there a way to add a USCIS Account Number that I recently received to my already existing USCIS account? 2. If not, then should I make a new account? Or is it okay to keep my original account and just add the case on there?
  14. Hi everyone, I made my USCIS account when I didn't have a USCIS Online Account Number because I thought it was important to have an account. I recently received my paperwork and a USCIS Online Account Number, but I'm unsure whether I need to create a new account with the given number or if I can keep my original account. The original account uses the email that I provided to USCIS for my paperwork. I know you can't have multiple accounts with the same email, so that's where I'm a bit confused. 1. Is there a way to add a USCIS Account Number that I recently received to my already existing USCIS account? 2. If not, then should I make a new account? Or is it okay to keep my original account and just add the case on there? Thank you very much.
  15. Thank you. I thought their website said 2-4 weeks so I was getting a bit worried but that's a lot longer time to wait than I expected.
  16. Hi everyone, I sent my I-485 application along with my work permit application about a month ago and still haven't gotten my receipt in the mail. I'm worried if they even got my application... Is there any way to check if they got my application in the mail, or is waiting the only thing I can do? Thank you very much.
  17. Hi everyone. I recently got my K1 visa and legally married my wife in the US. We are trying to proceed with getting my green card and I had a few questions about I-693. I was informed that I don't have to do I-693 if I did my physical eval within a year. However, I got my first dose of vaccinations in September and I haven't gotten my second dose yet. Do I still have to get my second dose of vaccination and fill out I-693? Or can I just skip this form since it hasn't been a year. Is it also possible for me to just get the vaccinations and not have to fill out the I-693? Thank you everyone in advance.
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