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About Danitodd

  • Birthday May 27

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  1. Thank you. Just at first phase, not even sent to NVC
  2. We just received a request for initial evidence, a list of 5 pages... Things that we already provided are on the list. They are being extremely demanding Anyone did it themselves or did you used a firm ? Is so, which one could help please. I am Canadian from Montreal area and my fiancé is American Also, if we cancel; wil I be able to go USA as a regular tourist after cancellation. Thank you so much for help Danielle and Todd
  3. I will go and try to add my city on profile
  4. I fill out the timeline, just nothing more to fill out at the moment! Ty!
  5. According to visaJourney we should have NOA2 Feb. 20th.... We got nothing... What do you think?
  6. Could I change for Ottawa? Would it be faster and better?
  7. Do Montreal give the visa right after the interview? Or else? And how long for the answer Ty Danielle
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