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Everything posted by HondurasK1help

  1. Did your fiance get her visa last week? I was finally able to reschedule my fiancé’s interview appointment for February 5. That is very close to the time my fiancé’s police report and medical exam expire. This whole fiasco of a transition has cost us four and a half months and a lot of heartburn.
  2. I hope your fiancé has good luck at the embassy tomorrow. Please ask her to let them know there are others like her in the same situation that are still unable to reschedule appointments. Is there anything we can do? Thanks.
  3. Thanks. I just sent a request. My congressman is the House Majority Leader and they pretty much (politely) blew him off. I doubt a lame duck president will do much better, but who knows. I hope they will eventually just get tired of me and fix the problem they created.
  4. Congratulations! I am very happy for you and your fiance. If you find out what caused them to call, please let me know. Our original appointment was a month before yours and I’m still stuck at “system is busy”.
  5. It’s the same support desk email (support.centami@visaops.net) their website takes you to. It hasn’t been very helpful in the past. I either just got lucky and drew the right person or maybe my congressman’s inquiry caused them to actually look at the account. Who knows?
  6. No, I was not aware of the error. Her account showed up in the new system, so I assumed everything had transferred. There’s no way to know it didn’t. There’s no way to edit the name anyway. You might think there would be an error message if things didn’t match. They say they fixed that. I still can’t schedule but it was refreshing to somehow connect with someone who actually investigated and was helpful. It’s encouraging that someone was able to schedule an interview. My fear has been that the system isn’t allowing me to see available appointments.
  7. My fiancé is friends with the son of a Honduran immigration attorney. He says lots of people are in the same situation. No one can schedule an appointment or have their calls answered. I actually did get some help from the help desk. Apparently my fiancés account had not migrated into the new system properly because I spelled the “del” in her name with upper case D in one place and lower case in the other. They corrected this but I still get “system is busy” when I try to schedule. I only hope it is now a little less futile.
  8. I just received a reply from the embassy to my Congressman’s inquiry. As expected, they just referred me back to the call center. They did mention that they routinely release new appointment dates and said we should try a few times each week. I have tried about 400 times for the last 3 weeks. My biggest concern is that the “system is busy” error code actually means something else. If we could get to a step that actually said “No appointments available” it wouldn’t be so stressful. My concern is that appointments are being made available but we are not able to see them because of some software glitch. I have seen the “system is busy” error code in other applications and it can refer to something as simple as an unchecked box, out of range date, formatting error, etc.
  9. I think the “system is busy” message may be a nonspecific error message indicating a software glitch of some sort. I have seen it before in other applications and it didn’t actually mean the system was busy. A few months ago we made the interview appointment on the first try and there were several dates to choose from. Now we can’t even get into the scheduling system. The embassy webpage is showing a 2 day wait for appointments. I will contact the no help at all desk again today with another screenshot but I don’t expect much different to happen. I am up to about 500 attempts at all hours to get into the scheduling system. It should be obvious that system error isn’t going away until someone fixes whatever the problem is. I expect to receive more irrelevant boilerplate.
  10. There is a public inquiry form at travel.state.gov under US Visas. Strangely, I can find it in my ipad but not on my computer. ??
  11. Have you made any progress? They only send me boilerplate replies about the availability of interview dates, which is not my problem. I cannot get past the “schedule interview” step because I get a “system is busy” message. I have taken their advice and continued trying for several hundred times at all times of day and night. I believe this is a nonspecific error code that will not go away until someone fixes what is causing it. I will try writing them again tomorrow. My congressman sent an inquiry, but no response yet. Like you, if the embassy had notified my fiancé about the document review and allowed her to have her scheduled interview, we would be in the US now getting married. This is so incredibly frustrating. We did everything we were supposed to do and because of the incompetence of the embassy and the new service provider we are stuck with nowhere to turn.
  12. I cannot offer any help but you have my sympathy. I am in a similar situation in Honduras. My fiancé was denied her previously scheduled interview on September 17 because she was never notified about the document review. Under the previous provider we were able to schedule the interview on the first try with several dates available. After a month of struggle getting her account transferred to the new provider we are only able to get “system busy” when trying to reschedule the interview. The help desk has been of absolutely no help. Their only advice is to keep trying. The embassy refuses to answer any visa related questions and only refers me back to the providers website. We are beyond frustrated but see no path forward other than to keep trying and hope the new provider eventually gets it’s act together. If you find another solution, please advise!
  13. My immigration lawyer told me to contact my representative on the Homeland Security Committee. I will do it, but I doubt he can do much in the way of immediate help. This is not just an issue in Honduras. I agree it is very frustating, especially for my fiancé. She was crushed when she couldn’t get the interview. We have invested so much time, effort, money, and emotional energy in this that it’s just devastating to have such an incompetent company destroy everything just at the final step.
  14. Did you ever schedule your interview? I am in the same boat. My fiance was not allowed to have her interview September 17, 2024 for the same reason, although they did the document review while she was there. It took a month to get her new account created and now I can’t get past the “schedule interview” button. The help desk has been absolutely no help and the embassy won’t answer visa related questions. I keep trying several times an hour throughout the day and night but always get “system is busy”. I don’t see any way forward except to keep trying and hope the new provider eventually gets their act together.
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