Hello, I'm usa citizen, my wife in pakistan, recently gave birth. I traveled to pakistan for crba. I filed crba online, and they asked for baby birth certificate by union council on nadra paper. We got birth certificate made by union council but I saw that under father(me) nationality it's listed as Pakistani, I was born in pakistan, but I got usa neutralized 3 years after birth and became usa citizen 9 years after birth in pakistan. So am I both usa and pakistani nationality?
The union council didn't put American as father(me) nationality on baby birth certificate, even though when I filled paper I listed I'm not from pakistan, I'm from outside usa, I called the union council and they said it doesn't matter because I have both nationality.
My question is should I remake the birth certificate to make sure it says father(me) nationality on it as american and not pakistan. Remaking it takes time, they won't just fix it, so I have to restart the process.
I can't get appointment for crba untill I have birth certificate, should I upload this birth certificate or wait and get american written as nationality for father(me) on baby certificate for crba.