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Wael Tayseer

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Everything posted by Wael Tayseer

  1. She is a Citizen. And we have paid everything fully, uploaded every required document. Once we got the invalid doc status and the need to upload the required tax return, it chaged back to Pay Now. I can't seem to change my post, forgot to blur the names.
  2. Hello everyone, I am new here, so I am unsure if this post is in the right place or not. However, I've searched everywhere on the internet for information that could help us out, but nothing seems to be similar to our case at all. We submitted the required documents for the AOS and IV. After a week we received an update of invalid doc and the need to upload the required tax return of my wife (petitioner). as follows: However, we can't upload any document, and the Paid status changed to Pay Now. I can't seem to get past this point, I am not sure, are we supposed to pay again to upload the required documents or is this one of the many bugs plaguing the NVC website? This is the updated status of invalid doc: I sent them an email and of course, it will take ages for them to provide a reply to my case about whether I should pay or not. However, I once contacted the NVCexpedite about our case and their reply was instant, so I tried doing that again to ask about expediting and may be ask about this new case status. Their reply was that the documents are accepted, and I should wait for an appointment according to our priority date. I am at a loss, and I do not know what to do. Any help please?
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