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Everything posted by EMMEH

  1. We're both canadian citizens and have lived in Canada for 25+ years, I have US citizenship by report of birth abroad but I have lived here for most of my life, she is a canadian citizen and has live here all her life. We are currently living seperately as to save money so we can buy a house when we arrive in the US. given that information do you think it would still raise questions?
  2. Im seeing that i would need to prove that i can provide 125% of the federal poverty guideline, which as of 2024 it's saying is roughly 21000 USD, by the time we reach the NVC process my wife and I plan on having 50,000 USD (actually planning by saving specific amounts per month and are already roughly at 20,000 USD) to have a down payment on a house when we arrive in the US. 50,000 USD surely should be enough if they are asking for 125% of 21000 right?
  3. Our plan was to hopefully reside in Canada until she has been cleared to work in the US, then both move there and find work/domicile. Is that feasible at this point or will i need to move there first, find employment and domicile before they consider allowing her in to work? any estimate on how long we would have to be apart while i'm establishing domicile and employment before she gets approved for the green card and is able to work? also what would you consider substantial liquid assets?
  4. That makes sense, currently i make around 70,000 a year net in CAD, would i need to establish a job in the US before we can move forward with the NVC process?
  5. Her dad has property in the US and lives there for the 180 days a year that he is able to, he has substantial liquid assets, would it make sense to include him as a sponsor and use his property as evidence to re-establish domicile in the USA?
  6. Hi Everyone I am just about to file for the first step of the I-130 form for my wife, her and I both reside in Canada and I am a US citizen. We have all the necessary information My report of birth abroad, My US passport, her Canadian birth certificate and passport, our marriage certificate (neither of us have been previously married) and the passport photos Just wondering what forms of additional proof i should consider over others, originally i was going to get affidavits from friends and family but i saw on another thread here that they are useless at best and can even come off as desperate at worst and harm the application. Of the 6 categories my Wife and I don't share property currently, she lives at home with parents and I live with roommates, we do have a shared bank account and she is the primary benefactor of my mutual fund, no children together. Our marriage is rather recent just happening last month and we haven't had a ceremony yet. We honestly don't have plans to have any type of ceremony until we are financially stable within the US and have a house. We do have lots of photos together but nothing in regards to a proposal or wedding setting, will that be an issue for the application? should i get the sworn affidavits or just stick with the pictures we have and the joined finances? all advice is appreciated
  7. Hi everyone, just wanted to seek some advice on the forum regarding me and my wifes situation. We married recently after a year of dating and knowing eachother for about 3 years. We are committed to move to the US permanently. We are both canadian born and raised but i have US citizenship Via my mom as a report of birth abroad. I want to start the process for applying for my wifes green card but I just wanted to know a few things in regards to our process. Ideally we would like to continue to live in Canada together until she receives the green card and is able to work in the US, we would like to avoid as much as possible any period of time spent apart where im in the US and shes still in Canada or where we both enter the US but she is ineligible to work while waiting for her green card. Just wondering how feasible it is for us to continue living in Canada as we wait for the green card process or if I will need to find employment and a residence before they will consider approving the green card? Our case should be pretty straight forward in that we are both canadian citizens living in canada while i hold US citizenship, neither of us have prior criminal records, we have no children, I am capable of providing the amount necessary to sponsor her and anything else that could be a snare in the process. Any advice or suggestions on the timeline would be much appreciated!
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