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  1. I dont have an US employer as of now, Im consulting a immigration lawyer to see what they would recommend.
  2. They could but naturalizing would make my case even slower, plus i dont want to burden them more, if the EB works i can keep the girl and move on with life, i see EB 2 PD is 4years from being current. I'm 2 years into the F2B wait, havent even got approved yet, i suppose a 5 year wait is minimum for me.
  3. I see, Im consulting a lawyer right now and seeing if the EB2 or EB3 could work, the petitioner is my parent and they dont have plans to naturalize, thank you for your input!
  4. thank you for the advice! Im not really sure if im eligible for a EB1 since Ive read the critirea and barely fit 1-2, i assume youd have to have a phd or be very excellent in your field.
  5. thank you for the advice! I'll look into it, but im from china so EB2 is also 4 years away
  6. Thank you for your kind words! looking at your timeline you definitly speak from experience, really appreciate it.
  7. Long story short, I have a gf for 7years, and i am also the proud beneficary of a 8-year-wait-no-end-in-sight-F2B-visa, it's getting to the point where i have to pick one. And im so torn apart. On one hand, I love my girl very much and she's probably the love of my life, but aside from the petition we have other problems, and sadly dragging this out for this long may have done unrepairable damage. On the other hand, I like the US very much, like a lot of F2B kids, my family already lives there, and I lived there for my childhood, everytime i visit my family im always so happy and wants to live there with them so badly. Im considering EB visas but judging by how things are rn they also seem like a very long wait, I dont have anyplans to go to school since Im kinda done with being a student. So yeah hell of a pickle I kinda know this is more about life advice rather than immigration law, I just don't really have a lot of people that can chip in and give advice.
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