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Everything posted by Rogueabed

  1. Hahaha, so true thanks for you help
  2. Thanks for your answer, no, my wife doesn't have any income, she's a stay at home mom, we tried Activating the account but she needs to be on us physically to do that
  3. She has a license, I don't think her bank account is active anymore,
  4. Thanks, Our child is already a us citizen,we applied for that 2 weeks after he was born, and he got his passport and CRBA a month after. Just to add, that was very fast and easy, and that's why we thought the whole i-130 would be too, hahaha
  5. Thanks for clearing that, but our income is not taxable, and she doesn't work here, she was living with her mom in the states before we got married, and her business didn't make much to be considered taxable, does she need to file tax return? Would her mom be a good joint sponsor?
  6. Thanks for replying,but I'm not seeing any file, I'm not really here alot😅
  7. Hi everyone, So my wife and I have been married for over 2 and half years now, we have a son together, he's 18 months old, our i-130 approval is any day now(if the estimate to be believed), we applied on October 8 2023, I'm the beneficiary, my sponsor is obviously my wife, we lived in Jordan the entire time, since September 2022, My wife was a freelance worker,home business, didn't pay taxes, never had a credit card, or any debt. I'm the main provider, but they don't consider me when they look at assets as far as I understand, in terms of domicile, we're planning on renting shortly after we go to the states, I have job lined up, Now that the interview is on the horizon, what should we say?, I've been hearing alot conflicting reports, that we may get delayed or rejected entirely, my wife doesn't have any assets, what she had she sold before moving to Jordan, she won't go back without me, but we need to go to the states, she wants to see her family, I want see them too, I applied for tourist visa, in 2023, before we applied for the i-130, but got rejected, once the interviewer found out I'm married to a us citizen, he apologized and rejected me, I found out later apparently it's an unspoken rule at the local embassy, so we applied for an i-130, since it's the only way for me to get in the states, we didn't expect it to be so long, but it is what it is, and we want to settle in the states now. Am I in trouble?, what should we do?
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