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Everything posted by Lesleylou81

  1. Apologies this mail was from USPS I misheard...
  2. Hi team, We are currently visiting family in another state and my Fiancé has received an email notifying him of mail he has from UPS. Has anyone experienced this for the NOA2? I'm just excited, which is why I'm asking here. We won't be back at his apartment till Monday. Any help would be great... Thanks as always
  3. Thanks everyone! This community is so great, I really appreciate everyone's input. Take care everyone
  4. Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well. I was just chatting to my Fiancé about the emails I get from this forum with my approval estimate dates and wondered about other people experience with this. I know it's an estimate but is there anyone on here that was getting those dates emailed that are now approved? How close was it? What's your experience? I'm only asking as mine ( estimate ) has moved forward by 7 weeks which is great. I'm thinking about the time I'm going to need to sort out my life in the UK ( sort out work, my house that I own, sell my car etc) I know there's no certainty until I physically have my visa but it's good to have an idea of what will happen and when which I guess is the whole point in everyone sharing their timelines. Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts. Lesley
  5. Thanks everyone.. oh and just for the record I want planning on visiting with several suitcases. I was just wanting to have a few personal items that all.
  6. Sorry what is a VWP entry? Argh Visa waiver programme
  7. Hello me again, with my daft questions. So my Fiancé and I have been analysing the K1 visa timelines over the last 12 months to try to gauge what kind of timescale we are looking at. It’s very much a cause of my anxiety with me leaving my career and sorting out the house I own as well as trying to plan a wedding ( which I am thinking a town hall / registry office will be less stress and will honour the K 1 visa rules) Anyway based on the data I’ve seen we estimate we might receive our NOA2 prior to Christmas with my interview being at the end of March ( all being well of course). This has come as a bit of a shock as we were thinking that I would be going over in March / April 2026. Therefore the reality that it might be April / May/ June 2025 was a bit of a wake up call and I’m not going to lie it knocked me for six. It’s fine as I’m sure we can sort it but my question is ( and I think I already know the answer) if I am in possession of my K1 visa can I enter on my ESTA so I can pop back to the UK before I am having to stay, get married in 90 days and then wait several months for parole / a work permit? The reason I ask is my Fiancé and I are looking for a larger apartment for when I move over which he won’t be able to get until The beginning of June at the earliest. So there are house hunting factors to consider plus I’d like to be able to bring a couple of suitcases of my belongings over too. Any help is appreciated, this forum and the people on it are a godsend. Thank you all
  8. Hi, I’m wondering if I’ll be able to set up a bank account to get a financial history started? I am a UK citizen current in the early stages of the K1 visa process, as in as have just received our NOA1. I am planning on calling into the bank to ask this question on my next visit to the US next month. However I wondered if anyone has experience of this. My fiancé and I will be looking to buy a home in the US together in the next couple of years and I know banks here in the UK like to see some financial history ( which I have here already). I was just wondering if anyone has experience of opening an account in the US using a care of address of their partner. I’d like to start a financial footprint and also I’m not keen on the currency conversion and constantly having to consider the exchange rate. Any help or advice is much appreciated Thank you 😊
  9. Thank you everyone! Sorry in advance for more silly questions heading your way in the future 😬
  10. Hi everyone, Sorry if this is a daft question but we haven’t had our NOA1 yet, but our cheque has been cashed? Do they just cash all cheques immediately? Which I’m guessing they might… Or ( holds breath) has our form been checked and our NOA1 is on the way? Just for info we posted our form on 27th Sept, the cheque was cashed on 3rd October. Thank you Lesley and Tom
  11. Hello!! We are new to this and just posted our i129f form (27th September). Im looking for people in the same position or people who are slightly ahead to share experiences with. I have no idea what to expect apart from the website says that currently at Texas the form I 129f is taking 15 months to process. Does anyone know when we will hear something? All I know is the envelope made it to the drop box because we sent it recorded delivery. I guess now we wait ……………… and wait…..
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