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Everything posted by mnelove97

  1. will this be an issue when it comes to i-864?
  2. i filed my taxes ay H&R block this year and my accountant told me to file single while i am married because my spouse doesnt have a social or ITN since he is overseas. i dont know how big of a problem this will be when we get to i-864? should i amend to file but separately. we didnt do it in the first place because she said it wasnt letting her submit without either the social # or itn...
  3. I am the petitioner (US Citizen) applied July 2024
  4. my passport is set to expire June 2025 but i just renewed it with my new married last name. do i upload my new passport just in case? will it cause confusion if i upload?
  5. 17 months? Im a US citizen shouldnt it be 11-14?
  6. I physically and mentally cannot be away from my husband anymore. I am wondering if i should just file the I-129K (K3) in hopes of trying to get the process going. We applied over 8 months and have still been waiting. This process is killing both of us right now.
  7. im a little confused because some list it as a nonimmigrant visa? is this immigrant or non? where do i file this? i got married in Montenegro... do i go to that embassy to file?
  8. I only have an international marriage license as i was married in Montenegro
  9. do you think there is a potential complication just because the embassy worker mentioned that during his tourist visa interview? do tourist visa interviews impact I-130?
  10. I am waiting for the approval of my I-130, but am changing my last name now as I am renewing my passport and decided to just bite the bullet and do it. I have my appointment with SSA this friday but how do i notify USCIS of the name change? do i continue to file with my maiden name or my new name after the change?
  11. I know everyone says to not even look at the myprogess tab, but i keep feeling depressed from the jump in timing. I filed July 2024, now going on 8 months. With Trump in office, i am worried this process will take longer. Can anyone shed light or words or encouragement.... really going through it right now as i havent seen my husband in 4 months.
  12. I've seen different centers (texas, nebraska, national benefits) but what is the processing time for applications filed online? does anyone have a tracker?
  13. The embassy worker has just told him he "lied" - do you think she may have submitted that? i just dont want him to be falsely accused of fraud.
  14. Hi, I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and feeling a bit worried. I wanted to have my husband visit me while we await our I-130 as I’ve heard some people have been approved while waiting. However he applied for a tourist visa in Jan 2024 and was denied as he said he was planning on visiting with his brother and had no family members here (true we were just snapping/texting). We got married in July 2024 and he went in Sept 2024 at his 2nd attempt at a tourist visa - this time mentioning our marriage. The embassy worker didn’t give him a chance to speak and just said he’s “lying” because he mentioned last time he didnt have any family members in US (which he didnt). I’m worried this was written down as fraud and he will never get any visa. I’m not sure what the embassy would have written down for his denial?
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