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Everything posted by sking

  1. Hi everyone, just tagging onto this thread as its been such a huge source of help. I used to suffer from SH as a young teen, between the ages of 14-15. The issue here is that whilst a lot of you have medical records of treatment etc, I dont & im wondering if this will hinder my application? My parents found out when it started happening & pretty much put a stop to it very quickly, offering me all the help, support, care & guidance i needed to overcome my poor mental health at the time. So it was never reported to a medical professional to have a record of, nor was i ever given any medications. Would a supportive letter from my parents help in validating the case? My scars are very old, as im 29 years old now, so im assuming the examiner will take this into account. Im just concerned that they wont be accepting of the lack of records on the matter. Any advice? Thank-you in advance!
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