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About Cranberry_anon

  • Birthday 10/12/1999

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  • City
    Dublin (Ireland, not Texas)
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
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  1. We kinda had a talk about it 3 nights ago. Full transparency: I broke over the realisation that things weren't going as quickly/efficiently on his end as they were on mind. We had a long conversation and he apologised, we discussed why he was procrastinating and I'm trying my best to see his side of things. On my end I'm also very anxious to do paperwork but I'm still getting things done so when I lightly grilled him about this his explanation was that he puts things off because it looks like it's so much, which I already knew because I essentially read all the instructions and explain it to him in a shorter simpler way. It did initially hurt me because there were whole weekends he would get completely distracted by fixating on non-visa things and I felt like I was being hung out to dry but he understands now that he's hurt me by doing these things and has made a bit more effort to pick up his side of things since we had that discussion. I'm choosing to trust him because the alternative is to not trust him which is me giving up on the K1. As it stands I've laid things out in a Google doc seperate from Boundless where he leaves his documents and I'm in charge of uploading/captioning/communication with the agency.
  2. Hey guys, I'm back, sorry for the late response. The daily post limit caught me off guard yesterday so I waited until I was home from work today to come back. I've calmed down a bit in the time since I've made my initial post. I read all your stories, advice, suggestions, etc. while my post limit was in effect and I have mixed feelings. I'm so excited to be taking this route in life but so anxious whenever I start seeing all the things that can go wrong. At its core my fear comes from the possibility of having to start again if a small mistake shuts the whole thing down. I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop my partner from dragging their feet because they're overwhelmed and afraid that I'm going to miss a step that ruins our efforts so far. I forget sometimes that this is just the beginning. That is both comforting and terrifying.
  3. Is Boundless really that bad? Are they known for being difficult?
  4. We invested in an immigration agency that was recommended to my fiancé living in the states. They told him this agency had helped them navigate the process so he could bring his wife into America, it's called Boundless. The way it works is that you submit your documents and they review it then an agent critiques your submissions and what to change. They're really strict poking holes in everything despite following their guides to a T and using examples/advice from other people who have gone through the process of getting a K1. Sometimes I wonder if they're trying to make this go on longer than it needs to because they tend to contradict themselves and change the rules on a whim sometimes.
  5. It just feels so hopeless sometimes. I'm sorry for coming to the forum right off the bat with a big sad rant, I'm usually a very bubbly person, but god it's just these last few days I've been going insane from the pressure. When these random hurdles come up I can't help but think "god is this all for nothing? Am I going to do this song and dance just to get rejected for missing out on something small like this?"
  6. Our immigration agency pointed out that this is common for anyone in Ireland looking to get a K1 visa. I was skeptical of this at first however the translator some our later correspondence confirmed that a lot of people do end up submitting birth certs for translation to their company because of this very bizarre request regardless of what route people are taking to the K1 (Agency, by themselves, immigration attorney, etc.) Maybe it's more common in Ireland?
  7. The full English translation is on the birth certificate. In Ireland a birth cert is fully in English, with tiny Irish text underneath or beside it. You could hand my birth certificate to any American and they would be able to read it perfectly fine, but somehow this is some kind of inadvertent magic spell that blinds anyone who works in VISA approval
  8. Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm 24/F/Ireland and I'm working alongside my fiancé (25/M/Oklahoma) to get a K1 visa for marriage in the states. The process is like Chinese water torture. It's just constantly dripping new obstacles and errors over and over until I go insane. Today I was notified that my birth certificate (printed in English when it was issued to my parents from the Irish government the day I was born) is in fact not written in English and I must now have it translated. Why, you may ask? Because *beside* the English, in small faint text, is Irish Gaeilge put there for the Irish people who can't speak English. The professional translator herself is equally baffled by this. I feel so hopeless sometimes. It's bad enough we fell into the Boundless Immigration trap, it's worse that I have to juggle these <DELETED> requests on top of making peace with leaving my whole life/family/world behind to get married and have it all be ignored because the only proof that matters is paper, and even worse still that I'm essentially having to guide my fiancé through the paperwork because he's not great with paperwork and procrastinates instead of helping me. What the hell does an affidavit from his aunt prove that my words don't? I'm going insane. I feel like I'm never going to get this poxy application submitted and if I do they're going to tell me to off back to Ireland because we forgot to dot an "i".
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