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Everything posted by untaken

  1. A little tip: You can book and immediately cancel an int’l flight which will depart within 24 hours after your appointment time. This way you will receive your passport the same day. Otherwise, you have to go back the second day to pick up.
  2. Thank you for the info. Hope your request gets processed soon. Would you please keep us updated? I just applied for the passport a week ago, currently “In Process”. The final, final wait begins. Fingers crossed. Then I’ll also update Global Entry.
  3. If she said you would be approved, you WILL be approved. Just be patient. It will show “Oath Ceremony Will Be Scheduled” and a notice will be sent to you.
  4. Interesting. You haven’t done a name change. They shouldn’t require a name change evidence. I would scan your GC, SScard, DL, first page of passport on one page, and scan your birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport alias page on the following pages. It’s best to have all pages in one .pdf document.
  5. Just curious. Why are they asking you for name change evidence? Did you use “FNU Rahul” for current legal name?
  6. I believe OP’s current legal name is whatever name on the US driver license and/or green card. I’m assuming OP has never made a name change. Unfortunately, they created this “FNU Rahul” name for you. This name “Rohit Gandhi” can only be listed as other names you have used in the application. When you arrived in the US, your only legal name is “FNU Rahul”. Your birth certificate doesn’t matter any more after you get the green card. If you want to legally “change back” your name to “Rohit Gandhi”, N400 will be the best chance. The only downside is the wait to appear in front of a judge for oath ceremony. In the US, you can only have 1 current legal name. I have done my legal name change. Finally, if you change your legal name to “Rohit Gandhi” and get a US passport under this name, you do not need to carry your name change decree because your new legal name is also listed in your Indian passport.
  7. Your payment email confirmation, or credit card/checking account transation history.
  8. Did you try asking SSA to write down your SSN in-person?
  9. Too often this happens. Always use a check.
  10. Never use credit cards for USCIS.
  11. Delivery: 09/25 NOA1: 10/07 Bio reuse: 10/08 I only saw my Green Card in the Document uploaded section. So I decided to upload everything else again, to hopefully move the case faster.
  12. K1 is nonimmigrant. Only at what age you got the Green Card matters.
  13. Probably. Or you can try chatting with a live agent.
  14. In your MyUSCIS account, click “Add a case to your account”. Enter your receipt number, click “add case”. Scroll down and request a new online access code. Fill in a form. And the technical team will respond in an hour (in my case).
  15. Filed N400 with fee waiver at Phoenix Lockbox. Fee waiver is accepted. Delivery: 09/25 NOA1: 10/07 Immediately requested a new online access code to add the file online.
  16. The application is rejected because of wrong version of form and “payment amount is incorrect” even though I was using a fee waiver. Does anyone know what the “payment amount is incorrect” means?
  17. I made a mistake. I filed N400 using an old version of the form, which “expires 11/30/2025”. Considering it won’t expire soon even if it’s an old form, will my case be rejected? Finger crossed…
  18. Thank you. Wow, that’s insane.
  19. Hi OP. I’m in the same boat filing with a fee waiver at Phoenix Lockbox. 3 weeks and still nothing.
  20. Hi. I filed my N400 with a fee waiver at the Phoenix Lockbox. It’s already 3 weeks and I still haven’t heard of anything. Is there a delay at the Phoenix Lockbox? Or the fee waiver is causing the delay?
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