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Everything posted by mico1989Athens

  1. We are in same sitaution, why is this happening? did anyone find out??
  2. I uploaded my naturalization certificate as proof of my citizenship also i uploaded my car registration as proof of my domice. they are both accepted by nvc and now we have interview date. do i have to mail originals of my naturalization and car registration to my wife for her to bring it to interview? Do we need to mail originals of documents like this (passport, naturlization, drivers licence etc)? i keep getting mixed replies when i posted this under a post under cr1 forum, just want to make sure i'm not making a mistake.
  3. thank you for reply, just to clarify: do you also suggest I should refile I864 and upload it to NVC before interview? It seems like they just updated the form. I will need to fill it with a new date and mail to my spouse, but I'm wondering if it is mandatory. Thanks to all suggestions from other members.
  4. I am just hearing mixed answers about this subject so wanted to ask again, sorry if i am asking again.. I uploaded a scan of my car registration and house bills as proof of my domicile and it was accepted. On the embassy website, they say bring ORIGINALS of documents we uploaded nvc, does that mean, i need to mail my original car registration to my spouse so we can bring it to interview?
  5. thank you i will upload more documents. can you help me understand one last question: i uploaded my car registration as proof of my domicile and it was accepted. now they say bring ORIGINALS of documents we uploaded nvc, does that mean, i need to mail my original car registration to my spouse so we can bring it to interview?
  6. i have a copy of it, but can my spouse print it and bring? i just filled it on paper, scanned and uploaded to nvc. i have a scanned copy of it. can we just re-print it for interview?
  7. Hello, my spouse needs to bring I-864 affidavit of support that I(petitioner) signed and uploaded to NVC. Is it okay if we just download and print and bring it to interview? I don't have the original form that i filled last year to upload CEAC. Is there an "original" version of this form or will it be fine if we just bring what we uploaded to NVC? thanks.
  8. thank you, for financial document you mentioned.... one other document they asked us to bring is I864 affidavit of support which I filled for my spouse and uploaded to NVC portal. Do I simply download it and print it to bring to interview? I don't have a hard copy of it (I previously printed, signed and scaned to upload) Is it okay if we just download what is in CEAC and bring it to interview?
  9. hi again and thank you for reply. one other document they asked us to bring is I864 affidavit of support which I filled for my spouse and uploaded to NVC portal. Do I simply download it and print it to bring to interview? I don't have a hard copy of it (I previously printed, signed and scaned to upload) Is it okay if we just download what is in CEAC and bring it to interview?
  10. Hello, my spouse has an upcoming interview at the embassy. I read that I should upload if any document is new to CEAC before the interview. Only new document we have is police clearance because it is now 7 months old. I can't find an upload button on CEAC, do we have to upload this to CEAC/NVC portal before interview? Is updating/uploading a document going to cause any issue if we are not supposed to touch there? Is it okay if we just bring this paper to interview but not upload? thank you.
  11. Hello, I have the same issue. Only document we had to get "new" is police clearance because it was 7 months old when we uploaded. Do we need to upload it to CEAC before interview?
  12. thank you so much, so original post is the beneficiary/applicant? posts like this made me confuse, that's why i asked.
  13. This is my biggest fear i'm just confused about it. sorry i have asked it before and still not clear. I (US CITIZEN) have my certified divorce degree in paper and in pdf, they are both sealed and signed and in color. I uploaded this to NVC before interview scheduled. Also, we sent this to USCIS when filed I130. I got the same document (with seal, color, signature) in pdf from my city office. Is it okay if i forward it to my spouse abroad to bring to interview? ONLY difference is, paper version has raised signature, and everything else is the same. Both PDF and Paper says "certified divorce decree" Do i have to pyhsically mail the paper with raised signature? Some people said, only beneficiary spouse's documents must be in original. If anyone can clear my doubt, i will appreciate.
  14. hi pushbrk, thank you, my spouse (beneficiary) needs to bring originals of HER documents. i think i am(US citizen) is the petitioner and if i scan(photocopy) my documents (certified divorce, financial etc) and send it to my wife, it will be fine right? i mean, if we scan, email and print my(petitioner) documents, it will be fine. just wanted to confirm.
  15. Folks... We finally had our interview date. I hope everyone here gets to the end of this process soon. I am trying to learn if it is okay to bring SAME divorce documents that we submitted to NVC and USCIS during the process? Since they ask for originals of every document, is it okay if I print what we uploaded to NVC? Or do they want this in a closed envelope from my state?
  16. thank you, since they say only bring originals i was confused if i need to mail my passport or naturalization certificate. is scanning and sending documents as email to my spouse is fine? yes i followed every step there, thank you. but this question wasn't answered.
  17. Hello dear community, my spouse is going through consular (embassy) process. We just received our interview date at embassy in greece. I can't find answers to these questions on instructions page and interview email. 1 - While waiting for our interview, Do we need to upload anything to anywhere like NVC before interview day? 2 - They wanted original of all documents for my spouse to bring to interview. Do I need to physically mail original of my naturalization certificate or passport or divorce certificate? Thank you in advance for help!
  18. hello community, does anyone have any idea about this problem? i submitted inquiry form to nvc but had no reply. i have my payment receipts, and we are DQ already, but should i submit another payment?
  19. Hello family, I'm so confused about something I noticed today. In NVC portal, we paid our fees, submitted documents and got Documentary qualified 1 month ago. We were waiting for interview date. I just logged into NVC portal and I saw that AOS fee tab says "pay now" instead of "paid". It used to say "PAID" but now it turned into "pay now" In the receipts, it shows the AOS fee as paid and there is a receipt for it. But on homepage, it says "pay now" What should I do? is this a temporary glitch or do they think we didn't pay? I just don't want to waste months and find out they didn't accept the payment. I'm so confused any help is appreciated.
  20. hello, i made this mistake and submitted a document for "PROOF OF DOMICILE" I'm working & living in the USA. i am the sponsor for my spouse aboard. I am not sure how big of a mistake i made? Is this(submitting proof of domicile as US resident) going to mess up things? i am nervous
  21. Hello dear community, I already submitted my documents to NVC but i am afraid i made a mistake. I am US citizen who works and lives in the USA. I am the sponsor for my spouse aboard. Under AOS additional documents section, I uploaded "PROOF OF DOMICILE" document that includes my apartment lease, drivers licence, car registration and renters insurance with all my address. Now i am reading this (proof of domicile) is required for people who lives aboard? did i make a mistake by submitting this document? i am really confused and any help is appreciated.
  22. I am in the USA. I put "Renters insurance with address", "Car registration with address" and "apartment lease" I put all of this in one pdf and uploaded as proof of domicile. I'm just seeing your message and wondering if i made a mistake will i get RFE for this? Was this(what i uploaded) enough?
  23. much appreciated sir. so my birth certificate is not needed. please help me with this final step, for proof of domicile, i put drivers licence and car registration on same pdf file and uploaded. would this be enough and okay?
  24. dear community, i am at nvc state and sponsoring my spouse. i am a naturalized us citizen and our case only includes my spouse, no kids, no parents. i uploaded brith certificate for the spouse under civil documents, however do i need to upload my birth certificate? i am foreign born and i uploaded my US passport as proof of status, but is my birth certificate needed at anywhere on nvc?
  25. okay so, it is fine to fill on computer, then print and hand write N/A then scan and upload? would this be fine? thanks
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