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About Seth.n.Amelia

  • Birthday July 22

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    Not Telling
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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Essentially, yes. I wonder what will happen when the issue is resolved - do we get prioritized because of the issue or...? I kind of doubt it but it would be nice.
  2. I was not aware of this policy, I may have missed it when reading through if I was the one in question to violate it. If you could let me know where to read up on, I will do so.
  3. I think it is very normal to experience grief at parting. You might consider trying to recognize it as a testament to the strength of your desire to be TOGETHER as opposed to an obstacle. You're both feeling it because it messes up your routines and comforts. It's a natural consequence of the lifestyle and relationship you have chosen. Try to pivot your thinking a little here and view your visits as contained events. Know they are temporary now, but will cease to be temporary in the future. Express these feelings openly and discuss with your partner. Secondarily - make plans. Make a digital date night and find activities you can do together over discord. Livestream to each other, watch movies synchronously, play games together or apart but simultaneously. Tabletop Simulator is great for this, you could even involve mutual friends. It sucks to be apart but there is a lot you can do to feel as close together as possible while we all wait this out.
  4. That may be true, but they let go of the contractors last year. From what I read it was 50 postions and we aren't sure that anyone who was let go touched cases. I think we should watch closely and see what happens.
  5. We each have a date after which we can contact them, it can be found on the website by entering the case number that came on your NOA1. I believe it is roughly 1 year from date of the NOA1.
  6. Do we know why that is?
  7. Yes, it is hard not to lose heart in the face of the numbers but our time will come.
  8. Yep, saw some green today and got excited but it is only DOS. No new approvals, but multiple withdrawls
  9. Ok -first of all I did not know I could opt out. I will surely be doing that. Second of all, I got one of those APPROVED emails as well and flipped my lid for a moment. That one is an issue.
  10. I would say that it looks like 14 cases got approved in two days by my count, I'll take it Also - magic number. I'll use it to wish we all get through quick
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