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Posts posted by Stef2014

  1. Hi Everyone,


    I've been looking over this forum and I'm glad that there is a community who is looking out for each other.  This year I have finally decided to apply for my children's American citizenship.  We are in Canada and I will be applying for the N600K application online.  I'm a measure 3 times and cut once kind of person so I did a dry run of the application by printing it out and filling out the information prior to the online application so I could become familiar with the information they will be requesting I fill out.  In addition, I have spent countless hours locating and scanning all important documents and ensuring I have a payment method that is acceptable the USCIS.


    Here is what I know about the N600K application:

    -You must set up a separate account for each child

    -N600K is for children 18 years of age or younger

    -Fees can be filled out online

    -Make sure that your Child's name is the profile name and not your own

    -Processing times are a lot longer than there were 2 months ago


    What I need to know prior to filling out the application:

    -I set up the first profile and now I have no idea where to go to start the process.  How do I find the N600K application in the portal?

    -I was told that when you have multiple children that the filed offices will most likely take all the kids at one time.  Is that true?  If so, how can I indicate that I have more than one child with an application?

    -How much documentation is too much? I have report cards from grade school, ID cards (driver's licenses, child ID, passports, etc), college transcripts, baptismal certificates, marriage certificates, my first and last pay stub from my previous employer along with a letter of employment, dean's list certificates, grade school/high school/college diplomas, SS info, etc... my mom kept a lot of items for me.  I have way more than enough to show that I lived in the US for over 30 years and I don't want to bombard the agents but I don't want to leave anything out.

    -At the end of the application, will I be asked to input my credit card information or is that through a different portion of the portal?  I don't want to have any gaps.

    -Will USCIS chose the closest office for my kid's applications to be processed through or can I choose that?  I would like to have a specific office since it is closest to my family.


    Assistance on the N600K application (ONLINE):

    -I will not need assistance with any other individuals applying for me.  I was and still am a US citizen and I have plenty qualifying information and documentation to showcase this.  However, do I need to show any information regarding my parents and family who still live in the US?

    -At the beginning of the application it is asking for the "Child's A-Number", what is this?

    -Where do I find the "USCIS Online Account Number" or since this is my first time applying will I have one/need one?

    -Since I live in Canada, will I need to fill out State or Zip Code fields in the online form?  I have been reading up on the application Do's and Don'ts and it said something about filling out these with your province as the state and 00000 as the zip code.  Is this the case with the online form?

    -Speaking of filling out information properly, if I do not have information for certain sections will I need to include "N/A" or "Not Applicable"?  I have heard that you should not leave any section blank.

    -My husband is not a US citizen, will I need to provide information or upload documents to verify his identity (passport, driver's license, etc)


    Once we have completed and been approved for our kids to have their citizenship, we are then going to go through the process of moving to the US.  My husband is not a citizen and we are going through different options for all of us to move seamlessly.  We have been looking into the green card application (out of country of course), and an E2 visa as he would like to run his own business once we move.  Does anyone have any advice on what we should apply for in order for all of us to move down together?  We don't know if it would be better to apply for an E2, move and then apply for a green card or to apply for the green card (through marriage) and then move.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you all and I look forward to hearing your suggestions and getting this process started.


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