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Everything posted by DELTAFOXTROT

  1. Funny thing is the current President of Philippines, Bong Marcos has an outstanding arrest warrant out for him in the USA, going back to his fathers time as President for crimes against humanity. Marcos can't and won't set foot inside US soil as a private citizen or he would be arrested and jailed.
  2. This American was held like 5 months, on false charges he just got released, He had already served his time and the BI never checked with FBI or US Embassy. He now talking about his ordeal on Youtube:
  3. The Mother isn't a permanent resident she is here on a Tourist Visa. Plus they don't ask you about being your immigration status when you file a claim with Travel Insurance. She would be a visitor until she got a green card. She could roll that Travelers Insurance as long as she wants ,and once a greencard is obtained then make a decision on better insurance, or no insurance, just be self pay.
  4. Why would anyone need Health Insurance? It isn't required part of immigration in the USA. I went decades with no health insurance and same for my wife when she got to USA.
  5. Mother could list herself as renting, thus not part of household. Example Apartment, Sound like they have 4 in household and maybe only two work, she should get a subisidised amount. I highly doubt a mother living in a outside of the USA is listed as a dependent on her daugthers taxes, who would do that? No body.........
  6. ACA is based upon income in the past and projected income for the year, and since she is retired she should have very low cost insurance on ACA. They offer some great plans via ACA.
  7. I have heard Bicutan Prison is really bad, I have never known anyone who was detained in there. Bureau of Immigration is supposed to be very corrupt and they will blackmail you many times before they will release you or let you leave the country. I have heard the same thing about you can either play the game (Pay the bribes) or sit in detention and wait and I hear about 18 months is how long it takes if you don't give bribe money.
  8. UpDate: She got her mother scheduled for September 24th Now she get to fly her to Manila and back , find a hotel, etc and have her sister go along to help her mother Thankfully Ermita and Manila next to the US Embasssy is my old stomping grounds and I know the area quit well. Thanks for all the information and help.........
  9. Yeppers She did the applicaiton like 11 days ago, She has the confirmation # and paperwork you print out from US Dept of State to take with you to the interview, she just now needs to schedule interview, I think she is doing that today.
  10. Visas - U.S. Embassy in the Philippines - Use our new U.S. Visa Wizard! (usembassy.gov)
  11. The link provided say to wait 4 hours to schedule interview after bank payment, So I don't see it being an issue, My wife applied thru the www.usgov.org link which didn't say to pay first, like the above link does. We are not in a hurry for her mother to come here, We want her here in Texas in April of next year, it will be cooler then and let her stay a couple of months and then we will fly back with her to Philippines in June and me and wife will spend some time exploring Philippines. It's too hot now in Texas and we have travel booked in October to Cancun and December to Hawaii and then winter sets in and not a good time to be a tourist in Texas. Plus my wife pinay friend mom is coming in April and we are hoping they can fly together from Manila to Korea to Dallas, and no her mom hasn't applied for tourist visa before, my wife has been in USA going on 10 years now.
  12. One of her sisters that still lives at home is gonna take the receipt from the Dept of State website and make the payment at the bank tommorow, because it's like 9:41 pm in Philippines That way the mother will have the physical reciept and then my wife will then schedule her mothers visa interview.
  13. The link you provided you can either pay online or pay Philippines pesos 11,110 Peso at bank by 8/31 So you can submit and then you pay either online or at a bank Apply for a U.S. Visa | Receipt for Payment (ustraveldocs.com)
  14. Thanks for the link, Yes She submitted and she has the confirmaiton from US Dept of State I gave her the link this morning so she can pay. Thanks Her friend whose mom got her tourist visa last year told her she had to wait for email to pay, I was thinking that didn't sound quit right to me. I will update after she gets is paid
  15. She went thur USEmbassy.gov and went to tourist visa She did her own AOS from a K1 and did her naturalazation paperwork to become a US Citizen, she knows how to submit a visa application. I have her confirmation copy form US Dept of State in front of me
  16. Earlier this week my wife submitted the tourist visa application for her mother, She is waiting for a email back that says where to pay and how to schedule How long does it take to get the email back from USCIS on paying the tourist visa fee
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