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Everything posted by DELTAFOXTROT

  1. For sure it is cleared by an American, this is the Philippines. Thankfully last few weeks they are talking about WW2 rememberance and getting student visa to USA. They will go into a stuff like pride month or silly stuff like the Ber months. You can tell by the wording and some topics whomever runs the FB page for the US Embassy is non American, If I post something about the current president of the Philippines having an arrest warrant out for him in the USA and put a link it is taken down pretty fast, which is kinda funny. From what I have seen is getting to an American inside the US embassy is rather difficult, you have to go thru non americans first, even doing a visa interview inside the US Embassy. A few years ago I tried to go to the US Embassy and get a ballot to vote for the Federal Elections in 2018, the Philippines security gaurd didn't want me to go front entrance and kept telling me the Embassy was closed for holiday, I kept telling them the US embassy never closes. Finally after ignoring them I got to the front entrance and was told the US Embassy was closed, I called their bluff and the finally handed me a phone thru a window and finally I was able to talk to an American and they found me a ballot.
  2. I suggest to not mess with a ROM, There isn't much benefit to apply for it, and could be a determent in the future in case you want to get married again in the Philippines.
  3. Or I could go to Philippines and get married if needed, Would be another good thing for not doing a ROM now. I was under the impression if you do a marriage visa like a CR1 vs a K1 you don't have to disclose criminal history and if you have multiple petitions you don't have to do a waiver. So it could have some benefits for a US Citizen as wel.
  4. I 134 isn't really a required document, it's a non binding document. US Embassy in Philippines was telling applicants at one time it wasn't ever needed.
  5. I thought Schwabb had the limit set at $1,000 USD per day, but never confirmed that with Schwabb.
  6. My wife got her Dual Citizenship like 2 years ago, that is over with. Her Philippines Passport is in her maiden name. I won't be nor will my wife be buying any property while I am alive, she might when I die, but I suspect she will stay in the house I have now, it's much nicer living in USA vs Philippines. USA is comfortable and convient and modern.
  7. I try to enter with about $5K of $100 bills that are clean and not torn or marked, and I will bring in about 30,000 peso in mosty 1000 peso, I keep the western union as back up in case I get robbed or pickpockted, and will only get it toward the end of my trip, it's my emergency funds. Never used a Sendwave or Remitly I think those are tied to a bank account and don't want to disclose my bank information to a stranger.
  8. I got Schwabb account a few years ago, Issue is you can only withdraw so much per day, Seems like it is 10,000 peso per transaction and you can only do 5 transactions per day, I do carry it now since they have more and more ATM Machines in the Philippines now of days. But if you withdraw too much money from Schwabb account they will close your account, but for normal person taking a couple trips to Philippines per year this shouldn't happen to you.
  9. I haven't gotten pesos in decades, we hit Cancun a few times per year, I have always tipped in US dollars and I haven't gotten peso to use in decades. I also had a wad of peso that I couldn't exhange back in the 80' or 1990's time frame when they Mexican Government devalued the peso. My gut says the workers like US Dollars over pesos, anyone used to work at a All inclusive in the Cancun area?
  10. For some reason the PSA suggests to register a marriage if done abroad. Why is that? Only reason I can think of if you wanted a Philippines Passport in your married name or if your spouse applies for a 13A visa in the future to live in Philippines it has to be done. For me I don't want my name on any registers in the Philippines. My wife has her US Citizenhip, Her Philippines passport is in her married name, and I have zero plans to live or retire in the Philippines. So I am correct in assuming for me and my wife purpose we don't need to do a ROM? Report of Marriage: Application by Mail - Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines (philippineembassy-dc.org)
  11. I just checked fees it only $65 per credit hour if you live in the county other wise out of state/country pay like $200 per credit hour, if you are a Texas Resident and outside the county you live then you pay $125. So it appears to be rather inexpensive overall, I thought college was alot more expensive now of days, I am sure the college is supplemented with property taxes
  12. That is his problem to deal with, not mine. He will figure it out he seems pretty smart, I just meet him yesterday at a pool party
  13. I don't know, I am US citizen, not in my realm of things to deal with. I only worry about where I am going and how long I can stay
  14. He doesn't have a tourist visa, he does't need it entering the USA with a Singapore Passport. You didn't know that?
  15. Mexico would be a logical choice since Texas borders Mexico. Nobody mentioned Canada, too far in my opinion.
  16. The one that allow him a 90 day entrance into USA without paying The one that allow him a 90 day entrance into USA without paying The one that allow him a 90 day entrance into USA without paying
  17. Yes I am US Citizen I am now thinking this is local issue only and not required by Western Union since there website only mentions you need a tracking # and valid govt. ID. I guess this depends on whom owns the Western Union place and internal policies. I was made aware of all the other hoops they make Philippines citizens jump thru just to collect $. I have been asked for my signature 3 times on piece of paper getting money before in Philippines at a Western Union place, I don't know what signature they were going to try to match it to.
  18. When I travel to Philippines I always send myself like $900 and $800 to western union and leave it there for emergencies or grab when needed. I only show my Passport Card to pick it up. I am hearing now if you do over $1K or like 50,000 Pesos the (Western Union place) wants like secondary ID's like Police Clearance and Mayor ID? Any one having that issue when getting more than 50K pesos from WU?
  19. Incorrect He get a 90 day entry with his visa. If he want to extend it, then it around $500, Extend means to stay beyond his 90 days.
  20. Not wealthy, He said you only need like $25k in the bank to sponsor for a student visa, they live in a average house, but both husband and wife work. I went over yesterday to their house for dinner, they have 2 student visa living there that is the wife relatives, the 3rd went back home didn't like it in the USA. And there was her sister just got to the USA and staying like almost 6 months with her boyfriend who has a Singapore Passport and 3 year old child from Philippines. The Singapore guy told me at the tourist visa interview which he was able to attend I guess since the kid was only 3 years old his gf and son got US Tourist Visas approved since he had Singapore Passport. He said he can only stay 3 months in USA and the US wants like $500 to renew his visa, so he is gonna go to Mexico for a day and re enter and reset his passport.
  21. I don't see any of them trying to get jobs here, they are living here going to community colleges for now, and trying to get the classes they want at the local community colleges They are living the USA lifestyle
  22. Nope, Cuz I see them get asked daily about why is it taking so long for a CR1 visa to get and appointment and the person has never answered that questions in years. I always reply to them you should of done a K1 instead. They do seem to mention the Allie and partnership the USA and Philippines have when it comes to military conflict with China, or trying to push Pride Month. The US Embassy in Manila deals more with VA opening and closing, outreach etc, the only visa they ever mention is the Student Visa, I wonder if the person who is doing their FB account (The person isn't an American I can tell by what they post) is pushing these Student Visa.
  23. Why does the US Embassy in Manila always mention Student Visas on their Facebook page? It seems as if once a week whomever does their facebook posts (and you can tell it's not a US Citizen) always pushes student visas? I understand it's a fairly easy and simple visa to get, and even during Covid lockdowns they were expediting the appointment I have one friend in USA they have petitioned 3 relatives of his wife family and they are all over here studying at a community college to be nurses, I think in USA if you go to a community college for 2 years then you can sit for NCLEX exam and become a Registered Nurse in the USA, where it takes 4 year if you are educated outside of the USA.
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