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  1. That isn't new, goes back to 2021 time frame. What is new about it?
  2. New recent ruling on DACA? What is the new recent ruling you are talking about? There has been no recent rulings on DACA Apps/renewals. Since around 2021 only renewals are accepted, They haven't taken new apps since 2021 time frame.
  3. It will be nice when USCIS gets rid of the silly requirements of having to list all your criminal stuff. This is just a stupid and non sense requirement.
  4. I agree 100% I stay away from any airline with China in it's name. Once you get inside China it isn't a place you want to be or deal with a country that can't speak English Very very hard to understand the staff on the plane to even understand what they are serving for meals.
  5. For sure worth a 2nd attempt. Usually the old and wealthy are slam dunk for Tourist visa, and since your wife is a US Citizen it should be even more proof of the mothers ties to Philippines. My MIL did a Tourist Visa interview few months ago, wasn't asked about home just how many kids, who was paying for her trip and her middle name and if she was retired.
  6. Never understood anyone wanting to do ROM in Philippines. So much easier to keep everything in her name, Me personally I don't want my name on any Philippines marriage register.
  7. Did you not read my comment? "Will have to get judge to do legal name change at during Naturalization if person decides to seek US Citizenship." Didn't work for my wife, She had to do an extra step at to get her name changed during Naturalization
  8. So if one doesn't have a cell fone what happens from there? They need to go to internet cafe and have email printed out?
  9. Will have to get judge to do legal name change at during Naturalization if person decides to seek US Citizenship. But not a biggie
  10. Travelers Checks? Haven't used them or seen them since the late 1980's For a Fiance/Marriage visa she only needs CFO sticker in her passport to leave Philippines.
  11. K1 Petition, Petitoner or Beneficary can both be under age 18 to file. Under 18 would need parental Consent
  12. K1 Visa Healthcare Insurance is not part of the requirements
  13. OP states is he living in Philippines. If he does Utah online, then he can encounter problems getting a 13a visa in Philippines. They would just laugh at you if you tried to get 13a visa in Philippines to stay there if you bring a Utah online marriage to them, works for US immigration but not for living in Philippines. Philippines isn't the USA, they don't recognise same sex marriage, muslims can have upto 4 wives, and only muslims can divorce. Different country different rules.
  14. Just seems like too many hoops to jump thru, when I can fly to Las Vegas and get a marriage license almost anytime and married easy or have a friend marry you in USA. There is some guy named Gio who has a Youtube channel and he is living in Philippines last few years, for some reason he married there. Now him and his girl split up, now he will have to jump thru a bunch of hoops and lots of extra money just to file for a divorce, and she will probably be married the rest of her life in PHilippines and never get to marry again since getting the divorce recognized in PHilippines for her is gonna take years and probably a years salary. If she date he can have her arrested and brought up on charges of bigamy.
  15. Why is that a big plus? Make no sense what so ever. You won't be finding many if any whom gonna fly 24 hours to Philippines from USA and pay $1500 just for a wedding, and with the time change and crossing date line it's a beating. Plus add you will have to have a cow and a couple of pigs slaughtered, Once they bring the cow you will have to pay somewhere for it to graze before you slaughter it, pig can be kept in a pen. Then add all the hoopla you have to jump thru to just get married in PHilippines. Philippines is the land of different rules for different cities, nothing is uniformed. Each city will have their own rules and they make change from day to day. All the paperwork you need to bring like Birth Certificate, Divorce Decrees, CENOMAR, Legal Capicaty to Marry form from US Embassy, marriage seminars, long wait for Marriage licenses Parental Consent for anyone under age 21 without that no marriage license issued, 21 to 25 needs parent advisement. Have you been married in Philippines?
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