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Everything posted by wangaturtle

  1. Awesome advice! We will definitely do this. Thank you so much!
  2. Thank you so much! We hope so too!!! 🤞
  3. Wow this is incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!!!
  4. Thank you and god bless too we will let you know our updates too since we are close in approvals!
  5. Thanks so much for your comment. It’s reassuring hearing others approved around the same time haven’t received their’s too and that it isn’t just us. I hope you hear back soon!
  6. First of all, no need to be rude or give attitude when you’re answering my question. Thank you for the advice in the second paragraph, however. We have everything in order and we are just curious if there’s any additional steps we can take because we clearly saw misinformation in other groups when it came to the case number status - which is why we wanted to post here in the first place.
  7. Yeah I’ve seen that suggest by people before but I’ve also seen people say that the case number never updates to “Sent to Department of State”.
  8. Hello everyone, my Fiancée and I have recently received our NOA2 (February 19th) We have not received any additional updates and our USCIS case number still only says “Case Approved”. Is this normal that it still has not been sent to the department of state? I know the physical NOA2 says that it was sent but I’ve read that this usually isn’t the case unless it updates on the case tracker? Does anyone know the next steps I can take or how long I will have to wait for a new update?
  9. I think we’ll be okay. As I said we’ve seen other Filipinos add the same docs and be okay.
  10. We’re both young honestly and we’re entirely new to things like this. We didn’t think it would be a problem until recently.
  11. In all honesty telling us to include the whole engagement certificate thing could have been sabotage from her church because they really don’t want her to leave
  12. We have the Cenomar too. I think now, looking at it again that it is just a certificate from the church she attends in the Philippines. They were telling us at the church that we needed it
  13. It is a common thing in the Philippines that we have seen included in many k1 packets. Thank you for your reply!
  14. I mean we didn’t really see an issue with including it. Extra evidence is extra evidence and we wanted to include it.
  15. I do want to add that our engagement certificate is dated AFTER we bought the rings. Would this be sufficient enough to not worry about the ring receipt?
  16. Hello! So we recently a couple weeks ago sent off our K1 packet! We included all sorts of evidence like a certificate of engagement, pictures, engagement ring receipt… Now though we just remembered that when we got the engagement ring we thought it would be cute to put my (Petitioner) last name with my fiancée’s first name on the “sold to” section. Will this be a red flag to USCIS or what can we do about this? We’re both worried that we’ll get rejected because of this! We would have never sent that piece of evidence if we had remembered what we put for the name. Please help!
  17. Thank you so much for your help! That is relieving to hear.
  18. Hello everyone! We are about to start the process of filing for the K1 visa. My partner is in the Philippines and will be coming over to me in the US. However my fiancee has lost her medical records, save for her Hepatitis B shot. The bad news is that on this record she only has the first two shots for the hepatitis B. What can we do about this and what can we do about her missing vaccination records? We're both very new to this and worrying over this. Thank you so much for any help you can provide!
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