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Everything posted by andrew2005

  1. In that line, I dont see any benefit of applying those 90 days prior. I did apply 90 days prior but if they are going to see our applications after the 90 days, what is the point?
  2. Hey thank you for the information I am trying to download the transcripts but IRS has multiple options: 1. Account Transcripts 2. Return Transcripts 3. Wage & Income Transcripts 4. Record of Account Transcripts : These transcripts combine the information from return and account transcripts. Which one did you personally take to the interview? Thank you
  3. When you refer to tax statements are you refering to w2, 1099? And tax return the form 1040? Thank you
  4. Wow I am sorry about your experience. I really hope I don’t have such a long wait time. I need this to be done for job purposes.
  5. My Time line: Filled 07/27/2024 Finger Prints Reuse: 07/27/2024 5 years, Filled 90 days prior Changed from 7 months to 6 months in the same day. Change to USCIS is actively reviewing your casa same day
  6. Hello, just wanted to see if by any chance there are N400 West Palm Beach aplicants here. Just want to connect and see where they stand at in the process
  7. Thanks for sharing https://my.uscis.gov/citizenship/what_to_expect
  8. Could you share a bit more about your case: Date you filled? Local Field Office? 5 years/3 years? 90 days prior
  9. What is your timeline and are you 5 year or 3 years? did you filled 90 days prior?
  10. I filled on 07/27 and I still have 6 months. Not movement since then, I got biometric reused the same day.
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