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  1. Does West Palm conduct indivual same day oaths or they ask people to come back in the afternoon for a group oath ceremony daily? At what time does this happen?
  2. Do you recall at what time did you attend the Oath ceremony?
  3. I got interview scheduled 02/06 West Palm Beach
  4. Earliest Accepted Filing Date: 12 / 28 / 2024 But wait a couple days. It is not advisable to fill on the same date that the calculator shows. Wait unti the 30th. you can start filling it online tho. just submmited on the 30th
  5. It’s probably a new update but really I don’t pay too much attention to that
  6. I got the same. I think is a generic classification for all cases. It does not mean anything
  7. I understand but it should not be like that. We meet the requirements and we pay the fee, as a fee driven agency, it should be processed in a timely manner not in a political agenda manner
  8. I think in general all FO have slowed down. WPB was at 7.5 Avg wait time and its now at 8 months.
  9. Nice!!! Crossing my fingers that I get scheduled today too. 😕
  10. Well I don’t know how accurate is to say that it is office specific. Cuz my case is at nbc not at field office, so which place is holding it ?
  11. Anyone receiving interview scheduled for July. I am seeing a lot of August fillers receive the message but us July fillers are stuck!
  12. I applied also to the west palm beach one. I filled July 27th. Still waiting Did you add a requested evidence ?
  13. I do not think you are on step 3. If it is not bold then it’s not yet scheduled. It just meants that interview scheduled is the step 3. what is your estimated time?
  14. Filled on 7/27 west Palm beach
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