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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Local Office
    San Antonio TX
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  1. Ok, saw the fee for the N-600....alot. If I do not put my daughter on my N-400, and file a separate N-400 for her is that possible? And save some $
  2. Thank you
  3. Thanks for that fast response....both of have green cards, she is my biological daughter and she does live with me all the time. And does she need to pay N-400 fee? Or just me?
  4. Hello, I will be starting my N-400, I have a daughter who is 16 yrs old, my question is does my daughter take the test, ie.. interview and citizenship questions test? Or does she fall under me, If I pass the test, then she automatically becomes a U.S. Citizen?
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