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  1. Yes, this was kind of my first idea to be honest, and with more research I realized that in order to make this work as easily and quickly as possible, I need to go ahead....go back to the US. Get the domicile, and get the income. Suck it up for as little time as possible apart to not drag it out in terms of time and money. I feel like I am on the right track now with just one question I am still a bit worried about. The last 3 years I have had basically no income (living off my VA disability which is not taxable and not on tax returns.) I will go the US, I will get a job that in combination with my VA will much well over the required amount needed to sponsor. I will make sure that I have a job and that income BEFORE I start my paperwork, and I will make sure that I am still doing that job when its time for them to come to the US. But will the lack of income BEFORE that be an issue? Or do they mostly just care that I have the income now?
  2. Because of the time of the Khmer Rouge and war and everything through the 70's-90's there were a lot of issues with families selling the daughters to marriage and other shady stuff.....so "can you" get married in Cambodia...yes....but it is a process. takes several months, need US FBI fingerprint background check etc etc etc. Even if we do the Utah online wedding....Cambodia will not recognize it without registering it at the Cambodian Embassy in the US and going through a process.
  3. Yes, I am not planning to JUST have an address. I will be making a move back to the US before starting the process. The question that I had about domicile is more this.... "Does MY domicile....HAVE to be the place we all live when they get here? Or can I go, move into my brothers house, use that address to save money etc until it is much closer to time for them all to show up, and then I will rent a house that will be "ours" once they get here."
  4. We anticipated this and already had a lawyer draw up a document and have the ex husband sign etc.
  5. Yes, the plan is for all three of them to come at the same time. When looking at the K-1 application, it appeared that they just needed to be on the K-1 and would get a K-2 Visa. Is it a different process for CR1?
  6. Yes, he has lived at the same place for years....He's not going anywhere. haha.
  7. Ok So original plan was K1 visa to go to the US and get married there with my adult (early 20s) children present. I wanted them to meet her before we married as well as be there for the actual ceremony. As I was asking questions about this I was told by MANY that I am too married for K1 and we need to do the Utah wedding online, and CR1 instead Here is the basic situation 1. Met her online over a year ago. She is Cambodian and has 2 daughters 9 and 12 2. In november I moved to Cambodia 3. Lived together unoffically until March when we had a traditional Cambodian Engagement Ceremony (essentially a wedding without paperwork) 4. Living together officially since then 5. Have a joint Bank account in Cambodia since Feb that we pay house payment and electric bills etc out of. 6. I am 51 and she is 36 7. Since the overwhelming majority of advice is because of the engagement ceremony (as well as other reasons CR1 is better than K1) we will do online wedding in the next couple of weeks Questions. 1. Overall.....even with the age gap....I think that the 9 months living together and having the joint bank account and traditional ceremony as well as online US wedding should make this an easy case we can do on our own. Would you agree? 2. Address. I do not maintain or have a home in the US right now. So the plan is shortly after our wedding, I will go to the USA and stay with my brother most likely and find work. I will start the application officially at that time. The worry. If I use my brothers address when I start the process...what happens if I get my own place sometime during that process (a year+ might be a long time to be roommates with my brother....haha). Can I still use his address through the whole process or do I need to notify anyone about that? My brother lives in Nebraska (although most likely my wife and kids will live in Oklahoma since that is where my adult children are living) 3. Income. The last few years I have been living on my VA disability and going back to school. That is about $2k a month. Not enough for sponsorship (need $39k for family of 4) and not taxable, so not on my tax returns at all. That said, I have been going back to school for Cyber Security and have some IT certifications already. So, once I get back in the US I plan to get a entry level IT job. This will pay around the $35-40k range PLUS still get my $22k a year from the VA. So long as I have a job with enough income prior to my application, and as long as I STILL have this job when doing interviews etc....is it an issue that I did not have high enough income in prior years for sponsorship?
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