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Posts posted by am2352

  1. 17 minutes ago, andrew2005 said:

    I have a concern. I’d like some insights from the experts here.

    I submitted my N400 around the end of July, unfortunately I got furloughed from my job around mid July. I started collecting unemployment around mid August. I was speaking with someone today and they told me my n400 interview might not come soon since I put that I was unemployed in my application and that USCIS thinks that by making me a U.S. citizen I could become a public charge. I am Not planning on that I really want to work, I have sent my applications to a significan number of companies but the economy is bad these days. 
    what are the chances I won’t get an interview in the normal processing time??

    what/how can I update my n400 form once I get a new job? 


    Well, my wife isn't working now but she got interview notice within 5 days of us applying while I am still waiting. She is not collecting unemployment though.

  2. 2 minutes ago, sriarteria said:

    When did she apply ? And u can check in the documents may be there is new notice in her profile 

    We both applied on August 8th. No new document after the interview letter, which was posted on August 13th. I looked into the page source and the "UpdatedAt" field is for today. I am guessing some official may have just touched her application.

  3. 2 hours ago, DimaSta4321 said:

    Hey, any news on your end so far ?
    I see someone else posted on San Antonio FO timeline that they filed on 8/8/2024 and already have interview date for 9/24/2024. LOL! 

    I still heard nothing back on my case tho filed on 7/7/2024. 

    Yes. That’s me. I and my wife applied on the 8/8/2024 with a couple of hours difference. She got her interview notice within 5 days and my application has no updates after that. 

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