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  1. i will forever be worried, i just hope that my evidence is strong enough truly.
  2. I mostly use the joint account but yes we both put money in the account, He uses he's main account more as we use it as an easier way to pay our our phone bill (we are on a joint family plan with he's mother) and she just takes out the amount out of he's account. we do not have any joint leases as we live with the family but he's mother has said she would put it in her affidavit that we live with her,
  3. i live with him in the us, no i don't have any estate things as we live with he's parent's, He's mother is gonna write in an a affidavit that we live here with them, and i was thinking of also getting power of attorneys too.
  4. Hello I’m working on gathering evidence to show we are truly married in good faith but my overthinking mind wont shush up, So I’d truly appreciate some feedback. I apologize if I ramble Or if spelling is off. I’m Canadian (32) and my husband is us citizens (30) long distance for 2.5 yrs than came to visit first time for about 3 weeks, went home book led another flight 2 months later. That’s when he asked me to marry him.. And have stayed ever since, I didn’t think much of it of keeping records and trying to get things done fast, dumb me I know. And then when we were trying to get things done a yr later we had 3 tragedies take place that stopped us for many months. Now we wanna get back on it, I don’t know if I have enough evidence and I’m currently on an overstay, and truly worried. What we do have: Marriage certificate Joint bank account Bills (phone) A bunch of money transfers (PayPal) Bunch of gifts Photos (of us together and on discord calls and length of calls , screenshots of us talking ) Dentist insurance (as my emergency contact) Affidavits 3 Joint sponsor ( don’t know if husband makes enough alone) I am very worried this isn't to start the filing I am worried also since our id's don't match addresses. Any help would be great, Thank you in advance
  5. Hello I’m working on gathering evidence to show we are truly married in good faith but my overthinking mind wont shush up, So I’d truly appreciate some feedback. I apologize if I ramble Or if spelling is off. I’m Canadian (32) and my husband is us citizens (30) long distance for 2.5 yrs than came to visit first time for about 3 weeks, went home book led another flight 2 months later. That’s when he asked me to marry him.. And have stayed ever since, I didn’t think much of it of keeping records and trying to get things done fast, dumb me I know. And then when we were trying to get things done a yr later we had 3 tragedies take place that stopped us for many months. Now we wanna get back on it, I don’t know if I have enough evidence and I’m currently on an overstay, and truly worried. What we do have: Marriage certificate Joint bank account Bills (phone) A bunch of money transfers (PayPal) Bunch of gifts Photos (of us together and on discord calls and length of calls , screenshots of us talking ) Dentist insurance (as my emergency contact) Affidavits 3 Joint sponsor ( don’t know if husband makes enough alone) I am very worried this isn't to start the filing I am worried also since our id's don't match addresses. Any help would be great, Thank you in advance
  6. I am a Canadian(F) and my husband is a us citizen I came here twice to visit and the second time my husband asked me to marry him so i decided to stay, One of my mangers didn't like that i took time off and fired me during the first week of me being here so it was the main reason i stayed here, My old managers do not like me so i think they will lie or do something to ruin this process. Can i get in trouble for the work thing ? We got engaged in June and we waited till feb and got married (i did overstay)
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