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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Saint Albans VT
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  1. Hey well, keep us updated sis. Good luck to y’all
  2. I see. Thank you! Yeah I guess I wasn’t thinking straight about the whole dependents thing. I guess... moving out early it is 🏠
  3. Mhm, I see. Thanks for your input. I still don’t think it’s fair that documents do not reflect the true nature of “two of us in an apartment” but oh well. I guess we’ll figure some thing out. And for y’all who suggested we “should have chosen CR-1” You do not know our whole situation and K-1 was and still is our best way of moving forward. We were aware of I-134 from the very beginning but we didn’t realize the trouble we would run into when it comes to document proofs
  4. Once she moves out their parents will receive more in government assistance and she will no longer be paying bills for them. Supporting a household of two would be the actual situation and we’re just stressing over how we can communicate that with the embassy documents wise. I have some savings as well and are planning on applying for work permit as soon as I can.
  5. For I-186, by then it will be just the two of us living in some apartment, and her income suffices the 125% benchmark for a household of two people. So we are less worried about I-186.
  6. Just received approval on our I-129f application, yay~ *5 minutes later* We are very anxious about filing out form I-134, the affidavit of financial support. Helen the U.S. petitioner makes enough to meet the 100%-property-line benchmark for the two of us. However, she is also the head of household at home who’s been supporting her parents who are both disabled and mostly unemployed. And her income will not be enough if all her families are considered as her dependents. And here’s tricky part number one: we are obviously planning on moving out together, just the two of us, once I (the beneficiary) arrive in the U.S. Should she put me as her only dependent on form I-134? Here’s tricky question number two, we plan on scheduling for an interview as early as this coming February/ March , since by then we would be able to collect the necessary tax-related income proofs such as IRS transcript. When she’s filing for this year’s taxes, should she file as “single” instead of “head of household” to be consistent with our situation? Doing this will set her back thousands of dollars in tax return, a significant amount for her and her family. Sorry for the lengthy questions, both of us are very hard workers and we are determined to make the best out of our situation during this whole K-1 process. Seeing her taking on extra shifts, and in her eyes the stress from uncertainty, I knew I needed to do my best to help her navigating through all this. Thanks in advance Lee
  7. Not desperately trying to use the kid as an anchor child is a sign of true love right there lol. Congrats btw.
  8. Thank you all for the answers! Gosh that’s a relief.
  9. Hi y’all, we’ve been stressing over whether or not a United States police certificate is required me (the foreign beneficiary). I have studied and lived in the US for well over six months since I was 16. I thought I had to write a physical mail to the FBI with my ink-rolled-fingerprints and what not. But I came across this on a immigration website saying I won’t have to. can anyone advice me on this issue? And if the website is not correct and I’ll indeed have to contact the FBI, does anyone have any experience with that processes? Thanks feb-23 I-129f filer btw
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