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    EB-2 Visa
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    Los Angeles CA
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  1. @Lil bear Thank you for your comment. Can you please explain why it is better that the medical to be done a day before the interview? I had a conversation with the medical centre they said it can be done either a day before or after the interview, so that you can save one extra travel from your Perth to Sydney.
  2. I am in Perth at the moment waiting for the interview letter at Sydney Embassy. The medical examination facility is not available in my state so I have to go in another state both for my Visa Interview and also my Medical Examination as well. Having limited leaves from my work is it possible for me that I may schedule my Medical exam either a day before or a day after my Interview date. In this way I have to book only one time return tickets from Perth to Sydney and will complete both process that are my interview and medical examination. I would be appear for Immigrat Visa Interview. Your wishes are requested. Thank you.
  3. I do not think there should be any reason that you just say please reschedule. I belief usually we need to email them that we cannot attend interview in this case in the body of the email. We must need to mention the reason for not attending the interview. I also believe that this reason will be shown in front of the Immigration officer. Whenever we will attend the interview so I guess it’s good to mention some legit reason.
  4. @powerpuff thank you very much for your thoughts that I’m gonna be scheduled interview for the next time so it will definitely give a negative impression to the immigration officer that I am really not interested to settle permanently and United States. This is exactly the logical statement I had in my mind. I am just trying to search anyone who has gone through all this. Regarding your opinion about the too much thoughts and hypotheticals, I can understand that it is really uncommon and a very rare circumstance, maybe up till then I got my interview. My circumstances might have changed and at that time I might be eager to move permanently in United States. Posting this over here with all my thoughts because mostly the people are not very well in sharing their experiences because as when we moved to the new country we have so much to do in our next phases that we might not keep up with these posts and share experiences. so I’m trying to make a log, if I may or may not find someone with the similar experiences. I respect the platform is really knowledgeable members and I’m very supportive community which is different compare to other social platforms. I apologise for my knowledge and sharing too much as these are my initial days here and may be l am not very well organised to search my desired outcome. THANK YOU!
  5. Hi all, connecting in regards to know about the rescheduling process/experience/tips/Dos&Don`ts. I am looking forward for an interview letter for the Employment Category. My case is currently at the National Visa Center and is awaiting for an interview in the Embassy of Sydney. I would be thankful if you share your experience for the Sydney embassy, but I assume your experience despite from any other embassy will also help me in my planning. At the moment I am recently shifted in another country other than USA, and aim to buy some time from the Embassy of Sydney when ever I got my Interview letter. I have read the instructions on the Sydney consulate website, and there mentioned an email address where I need to Email. 1) I need guidance what should be an ideal draft requesting for a reschedule with maximum delay in the interview date. 2) I assume when I drop an Email regarding the cancellation and rescheduling email to the Embassy they will sent me an automated message, stating that we have received your request and out team will get back to you. It is so? 3) After they I assume they will sent me instruction to reschedule a date on the USVisaschedulling.com website where I might have an interactive calendar to book a desirable date. Is it so? 4) I assume on that interactive calendar I will have some available slots, may be after 1 to 2 months delay only. Is there any possibility that I can have a date available with a longer delay? 5) I need guidance on, lets assume I have rescheduled and interview date, that is my 2nd attempt to appear for the interview. If I again try to reschedule this time what are the consequences? Other than that I am here to lear from your valuable experience. I tried to google about this but did not find any transparent procedure. Also I assume very few are people like me whose circumstances would me similar. Anyways, have a good one. looking forwards for your responses.
  6. Yes, I have confirmed this from the other applicants of this Visa Category. When the PD is current every 60 days or 180 days they send this applicant that what is the case update. Either the case is still sitting in the NVC or they have issued the interview letter. I can share the format of that Email it seems an automated message. Regarding asking NVC to move the case again to Pakistan I feel a bit risky in terms of: What if NVC rejects the case are you serious or playing with us as its been only 2 months since I moved my case from Pakistan to Sydney? Also, I have a feeling that the Sydney Embassy is more response than the Pakistani Embassy. But I am not sure. I am not sure but is there a possibility that I ask the Sydney Embassy to transfer my case to Pakistan instead of asking to NVC? As currently I have already requested NVC to delay my case and not schedule any interview in the Embassy 2 times. I am not sure if they listen to my request or not. Refer to below detailed post to clearly understand my circumstances:
  7. Explaining my circumstances more clearly. Category: EB2 NIW Priority Date: Current. Current Status: At NVC and Documentary completed. Previously the case was in Pakistan Embassy Islamabad but when I moved to Australia I changed my Embassy. Likely Scenario: NVC will transfer the case to the Sydney Embassy in order to schedule my immigrant visa interview. Desired Scenario: Due to my current professional commitments I now want to delay my case for years, as I do not want to move USA any time soon. I understand that this would be much easier if I was not DQed, but that boat has been sailed. Now I have done the following actions to freeze my case: 1) I contacted to NVC via public inquiry that due to my professional commitments, I want to hold my interview for 2 years. Upon which NVC replied to me with a general message "Thankyou for contacting NVC and make sure to maintain contact with NVC with 1 year communication rule" I am not sure if NVC is currently taking my request seriously of not. 2) I contacted to Sydney Embassy for the same. Although I do not have any interview letter nor my case is currently in the Sydney embassy as a safe side I rang them with my intentions to which the Sydney Embassy replied: "Your case is not with us, we can not help you in this regards. Also they suggest to contact NVC via public inquiry". 3) When your PD is current, so NVC sends an automated update every 60 days stating the status of your case and whether it is in the NVC or they have scheduled an interview or not. This is a cyclic Email for every case. So 2 days back I received an Email that your case is in NVC and will schedule an interview when a visa is available. So, today, I again wrote to NVC via Public Inquiry attaching the same cyclic email and again requesting the same to delay my interview. Since my case is in the NVC so I believe it is my only option to write NVC and try to hold my case as much as possible in the NVC office. I assume that in future, I can or shall take the following steps to freeze my case: 1) Waiting for the response of NVC for the query that I have just raised today, (Its the second request to NVC to hold my case). 2) Trying to look for people who are currently in the queue at the Sydney embassy for their interview regarding immigrant visas. So that I might be able to predict my interview timeline may be. 3) Keep writing to NVC public inquiry every 60 days, till my case remains in the NVC but I am not sure. 4) If NVC still manages to send my case to the Sydney embassy despite my repeated requests. I will start contacting to Sydney embassy requesting to freeze my interview but: I am not sure How much time I can buy at the Embassy stage. If I do not show up at the Embassy on the interview day and after that I try to reschedule the interview. I have no idea about the outcome of this step. If I ask the Sydney Embassy to send back again my case to Pakistan from Australia to buy more time. I have no idea about the outcome of this step. Show my proofs to the Sydney embassy for all the previous requests I have made with NVC for delaying my case. I will seek more guidance regarding the procedure to delay an interview at embassy stage. 5) https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/SYD-Sydney.html on this link it is mentioned that: "Rescheduling or cancelling your interview For some family-based and employment preference visa categories and the Diversity Lottery Program, a visa became available within the month your interview was scheduled. There is no guarantee that a visa will still be available if you choose to reschedule your interview. Please carefully consult the Visa Bulletin before you request to reschedule your interview. To reschedule or cancel your appointment, please click here to contact our office. Visa interviews typically occur on Tuesday mornings only. Please note, not all requests can be met." So I belive I should not expect much from the embassy. 6) This I guess can be the last scenario that I take my Visa, plan to USA for 2 months, file a re-entry permit (for which I need to learn the process and the duration of leaves I need to ask from my employer). If I get that I can have a delay for 2 years in my case. If you still reading all this, thank you very much. I would be happy if you connect and advise me.
  8. Thank you for the response. yes, that makes sense to me. At this stage, I am trying to delay things via: 1) NVC (if that not works) 2) Via Syendey Embassy (if that also does not work) 3) Take the visa and have a re-entry permit. Also, going back to the Pakistan Embassy seems so risky to me as the Australian Embassy is very responsive. I do not believe that someone from that embassy will talk to me. Additionally: Would you think it`s okay to send NVC a public inquiry every 2 months that I am not ready to have an interview appointment in an overseas embassy due to my professional commitments? I am planning to attach the status update email from NVC which is an automated message.
  9. @JeanneAdil thank you for your response. I have recently moved from Pakistan to Australia. 1) I am not sure going back from Australia to Pakistan is normal. 2) and in future if there is a huge backlog in Pakistan and I wish to move back to Australia, would that be also normal at that time? 3) Ali I have done some homework and I found that when your PD is current so after every two months you will get a cyclic notification from the NVC. I have confirmed this from some of the applicants of EB2 NIW and I believe that I will gonna get that message until I get the interview later from the NVC. 4) at the moment I assume that on every cyclic message from the NVC regarding my interview scheduling with the Sydney embassy. I should contact through enquiry reminding them that I do not want to schedule my interview any time soon. I am not sure how effective that would be.
  10. @appleblossom Yes I will fill that soon. Can you check the PDs for the ones who are waiting here in AU.
  11. Is it not enough to just write the NVC to not schedule my interview. I have recently moved from Pak to Aus. now again when l ask them to move Aus to Pak. l am afraid if may pissed them off.
  12. Oh sorry for that: * also looking for option to NOT have my interview anytime soon. I missed to type NOT.
  13. 1) I am only DQed at this moment. 2) I have asked NVC to not schedule my interview any time soon. 3) But I am getting usual NVC emails regarding my case status 4) I am afraid if NVC Schedule my interview soon in the Sydney Embassy 5) Then what option will I have to delay my interviews. I do not now, If I am explaining my self correctly.
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