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Posts posted by vikrots

  1. 32 minutes ago, Neonred said:

    Won't be a problem for LPR.


    Global entry approval can be ridiculously strict.  My wife and I were denied Global Entry because my wife, who had already become a citizen, had tried to buy a watch on ebay and it turned out it was an unapproved knock off being sent from China or somewhere in that area.  She didn't know until we received a letter from customs in Anchorage.  We refused delivery and thought that was the end of it.  A couple of years later we applied for the Global Entry and at the interview I was asked about buying a watch from China.  I replied that I had not (I rarely wear a watch) and was asked the same question a second time.  That is when I remembered the issue with my wife.  We explained the problem, but since we were accused of importing unapproved items we were denied.


    I have found, at least for us, our returns from numerous international trips were quick and no problem even without Global entry.  We just went with TSA precheck alone for that benefit getting through security.


    oh wow, that remind of something that happened to us too, maybe that could also be the same problem

    in 2021 or 2022 I believe, my wifes parents sent her a package with medicaments from overseas, like they did for years, but this time, it was confiscated in Miami.

    We never received any letter, but her parents overseas received one letter saying that the package was confiscated!

    maybe that could also be our case, because they did not mention "immigration" on the reasons for denial...


    but on the other way, I never tought that package was a big deal, I just remenber that now after reading your comment

  2. 8 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    I see no basis for appeal. 


    15 minutes ago, Skyman said:

    Ok, OP didn't say immigration.   


    Yeah, I think you should have put in the I-485 before she left school.


    thank you for the information, they did not mention "immigration" 

    We regret to inform you that your membership in Global Entry has been disapproved for the following reason(s):

    You do not meet program eligibility requirements due to prior Customs or Agriculture violation(s).

    If you believe the decision was based upon inaccurate or incomplete information, you may be eligible to request reconsideration through the Trusted Traveler Program application website: https://ttp.dhs.gov/.



    my question is : is she gonna have problem with CBP reentering the US because of that Global entry denied? or be accused of lying on application? she has this upcoming trip and now im afraid she is gonna get in trouble. should I contact CBP and say it was my mistake filling the forms?  ( she is a GC holder )



  3. 26 minutes ago, Skyman said:

    Was there an I-485 lodged when she quit school? 


    "Customs or Agriculture.."  doesn't sound like overstay to me.


    I believe was something like that :

    she quits school in May...but we mail AOS package ( GC marriage ) only like 2 months later ( I believe those 2 months was considered overstay )


    she never had any type of problems with customs, like never, no crimes, no driving tickets, nothing...

  4. In December 2023 I applied for Global Entry for my wife, she is a GC holder


    I filled the application and we forgot about that.... yesterday the application got denied. 

    We regret to inform you that your membership in Global Entry has been disapproved for the following reason(s):You do not meet program eligibility requirements due to prior Customs or Agriculture violation(s).


    My wife came to the US in 2019 with a student visa, but once we applied for the GC, she quit school. So I believe she "overstayed" her visa for 2-3 months.


    When I applied for her Global Entry I totally forgot about that overstay ( I don't even remember if they asked that on the application ). Is it worth it to try to appeal?


    My biggest concern now, however, is that next week she is going to visit her family in Brazil for 2 months, is she gonna have any problem coming back because of this Global Entry denial or accused of lying to CBP? again, I did not mention the overstay during the application because I totally forgot about that ( that never came in my mind ),

    but now Im afraid she is gonna have problems reentering the country because of my mistake.

    what do you guys think?






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