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Everything posted by mrfim

  1. Re-entering the US was no problem at all, as if I had my plastic card in hand and the border agent could not have been friendlier. However we had issues while leaving France bc the desk agent checking is in was unfamiliar with the stamp and decided without other approvals she wouldn't let us complete the check in process. It was a gd mess and we barely made our flight out.
  2. Thank you - I will let you know how it goes!
  3. Def nothing nefarious, just bad luck and pandemic timing and the USPS literally losing my card in the mail. I refiled the i90 - the adit stamp is tied to the i90 app # which was denied, so the new app # will be different but when I called USCIS they said to refile and I would be good to go...I called back later and got a totally different answer hence my confusion At this point I am leaning towards going. It's for my mother's 80th birthday to boot.. I know I know I am a bad son for risking this
  4. Thanks 👍 🙏
  5. I didn't get denied the first time - the USPS lost the card so I filed for a replacement. They denied the evidence I provided bc I forget the cover sheet I think. The decision is not yet available in my account. I am supposed to leave Monday.
  6. Hi - I have gotten conflicting information from USCIS so I am hoping someone can help! My GC expired in 2020; I processed the renewal and it got so far as a USPS tracking # - however this was never fulfilled and I never got the card. Last year I applied for a replacement. I have a i-551 stamp in my PP that expires on 4/14/2025; I have been in the US since 1990 On Friday I got an email that my application for replacement was denied and I need to re-file and start the process over On Monday I am supposed to fly to Europe with my son to visit family. My i-551 stamp is based on that pending application, am I going to get back in in two weeks/should I cancel? I dont think the border agent would have any visibility into application status, hence the stamp and such - further, had this happened while I Was abroad, I would need to be let back in? Any thoughts/ advice?
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