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  1. An update from me incase there is anyone following: My case hadn't been labeled as updated since 31st May. I sent an email to them on Tuesday morning 30th July, then my case then went to "last updated" on CEAC on 31st July but didn't hear anything from them until yesterday (1st August) when they sent me an email through the ais.usvisa-info site asking me to send my passport in for processing! From everything I've read, that's basically the final step! The only issue is that they do have my passport....they have had it since the 7th May when I also sent my police check.... Fingers crossed it gets sorted soon.
  2. Yayy! I thought it would be! I'm so over the moon for you!! Thank you very much for keeping me updated. Fingers crossed mine is soon 🥲
  3. Thanks for responding so quickly! It truly is awful just feeling like a number to them when your whole life is on hold. From everything I've seen, it sounds like you're just days away from getting your approval! Keeping everything crossed for you!
  4. Hi! My case is super similar to yours - I actually had my interview on the same day in London as well! I also have a "No Live Trace" from a shoplifting offence when I was 15. I didn't have a up to date ACRO (although I did have about 5 old ones from different US visas) so I was issued with a 221g telling me to get a new one and send it in with my passport when I received it. It arrived at the embassy on the 7th May. The last time my case was updated was the 30th May and nothing since then. Super vague responses to my lawyer's requests for updates. From everything I've read online (and I've read a LOT about AP in the past couple of months), it sounds like your visa is about to be issued in the next couple of days! Fingers crossed for you! Please keep this thread updated, it's the only thing giving me hope. AP is so stressful. Did you ever reach out to ACRO and see if the embassy had contacted them/give permission for them to let the embassy know your records?
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