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Everything posted by kirikani

  1. +1 both of them just printed white papers my oath letter was lost by usps, no time to request a new one I printed it out from the uscis account and had no issues with that
  2. Hey everyone! Got my interview yesterday. To my surprise it was virtual. 5 years rule, LA. All in all, very friendly but still formal, with a lot of small talk to fill the silence while the officer was preparing for every section. Showed my docs through the webcam. Then the officer swore me in, civic questions, and reading and writing on iPad. Then we went through the application. Most of the questions were asked like “where? and since when?” and we got almost through the entire application. The officer asked me for my SSN! lol (I didn’t bring it but I remember the last 4 digits, that was enough) And then there were around 15-20 yes/no questions. I have a name change, the officer suggested leaving a name with no change to have the same-day oath, but I declined. We confirmed what I want to change and he said the next ceremony with a judge will be probably in March in one of 3 locations (Pasadena, Anaheim, and Riverside) Then all signed, the officer printed out the confirmation and I was escorted out. And today I got my Oath scheduled for 12/17. LA has ceremonies with a judge every 3 months only but I got very lucky 'cause the next one is on 12/17 (if anyone is interested courts are publishing the dates - e.g. https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/clerk-services/naturalization-ceremony-locations-and-schedule). The next one after that will be indeed in March.
  3. Finally got my interview scheduled today for 12/2
  4. Hi all, joining the July's thread 7/14/2024 - N-400 submitted online 7/14/2024 - Receipt Notice received immediately in the portal 7/16/2024 - BIO scheduled 8/2/2024 - BIO appointment LA, online estimate is ~7 months.
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