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Everything posted by hzlf

  1. I'm Canadian so no, I don't. I'm the beneficiary, will they need my tax assessments as well?
  2. So I've been freelancing on and off for the past couple of years with different companies doing different jobs (voice recording, online tutoring, etc). I don't know how to put that information on the I-130 and I-130A. There's a lot of gaps in between so I don't know if I should say I'm unemployed, self-employed, etc or even what dates to put down. I was thinking maybe I could put down self-employed but then I don't know what occupation to put down since I do a bunch of different things. Does anyone have any experience reporting freelancer as a job for this? Thanks
  3. My fiancé is a US citizen and resident and we are planning to file for CR1 visa as soon as we get married. I am a Canadian citizen and resident I'm meeting with a social worker soon as my doctor wants me to be on disability. Would me being on disability in Canada affect our application? Another detail to note is that my fiance hasn't had his job long and we are planning to have his mom be our joint sponsor if needed. Thank you in advance.
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