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  1. I’m sure it’s coming soon!! I tried to give myself 2 months before starting to worry. The wait after sending the passport was the worst of it for me, so I understand the anxiety, but try to take care of yourself in the mean time (easier said than done from the other side)
  2. Our visa was issued Tuesday Nov 5, and we received the passport that Friday nov 8. We paid for the expedited shipping which is why I think it was so fast. Our passport was delivered Oct. 4 and medical Oct 11. Good luck to everyone!!
  3. Has anyone who got issued this week received their tracking # yet? Now we are just impatient edit - we just received it!!
  4. I’m not sure what Cpc is but we used the consulates courier service following their instructions (although they’re a little confusing) and we did pay for the fast service, although I’m not sure it helped much
  5. Big congratulations to everyone getting issued - ours was just issued today as well, I almost can't believe it!!! Here is our CR1/IR1 timeline for reference: Jan 19: interview, received 221g with a link to the ds-5535 Jan 29: ds-5535 submitted Feb 8-15: 3 unsolicited updates May 29: August 13 - 3 unsolicited updates Sept 20: senator sent email to inquire about status sept 24: unsolicited update sept 25: update with passport/medical request sent through senator oct 4: tracking says passport was delivered, new medical completed Oct 11: confirmation that medical results sent Oct 15-25: 4 ceac updates, one accompanying email to senator that they received medical but have not yet received the passport Nov 5: ISSUED This has been such an awful process. I'm really hoping for the best to everyone still in it, and thank you so much to everyone for sharing their experience here, it really helped me to get through this
  6. Same situation and also completely losing it
  7. Congrats! Did anyone else who’s sent in their passports get a status change today?! We’re still waiting 🥲 was hoping this would be the week. Haven’t had an update since the 25th
  8. We got a case update today too, this is our 4th unsolicited update since sending the passport and medical! Hopefully we will all get processed soon, this wait is agonizing 😫
  9. We got the same reply last week - passport was delivered October 4th. Hopefully there will be a big batch of approvals soon
  10. we also saw tracking from the post that it was delivered 1 day later, but we got an email two weeks later from one of our inquiries saying they were still waiting on the passport and photos. They explained in the email that passports are delivered to a receiving facility and it takes extra time for the consulate to actually receive them from there. We used the consulate courier service too
  11. I would also recommend sending the passport as soon as possible. We got confirmation that our medical was delivered, but they are still waiting on our passport even though it was delivered 2 weeks ago. It sounds like it takes time for them to actually get the passports from their receiving facilities, and that is the limiting factor for us.
  12. Did you get a case update when the medical was delivered or was the status change to issued the next update you got? The doctor confirmed our medical delivery on Friday and we got a case update today (but not Friday), but it still says refused. We are wondering if this is just them receiving the medical or if it means something more?
  13. I have one more question. My husband moved while we were waiting for the passport request, and our lawyer emailed the consulate to ask them to update his address and the courier location, but we never got a response from them about this. We want to make sure his address is accurate so that when they send the passport back he will have his proof of address that matches, and so that it will be sent to the right location, does anyone have any suggestions for this?
  14. Hello, this may be a dumb question but... how do we use the courier service to send the passport... We cannot find any information about how to do this in the request from the consulate just a statement that we should use their courier services. The link they provide us with that is supposed to allow us to request courier services is useless as far as I can tell. we ended up calling one of the customer services and they had us go to this website https://ais.usvisa-info.com/ and going through a whole process to get to this page. I just wanted to make sure that this is the process everyone else went through since it is so counterintuitive, and what did you put as your reason for request? Thank you in advanced. Somehow this keeps getting more complicated
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